Why Normal AMH Levels Matter for Female Fertility?


It’s very important to understand your reproductive health, especially when you are trying to get pregnant. Several hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, hCG, etc., are crucial during pregnancy. One such hormone is AMH, and knowing its level is important when trying to conceive. AMH is a protein hormone generated by ovarian follicles and tells the amount of eggs the female has left to produce. Hence, the families must know Normal AMH levels to make informed decisions about their future. 

Even while AMH levels normally decrease with age, staying within a normal range is frequently linked to a higher chance of getting pregnant. Read this article to learn what AMH is, what the normal AMH level is, and how it relates to pregnancy.

Understanding AMH Hormone

To understand the importance of the AMH Test, you must first know what AMH hormones are. AMH stands for anti-Mullerian hormone, which is secreted by folliculars in the ovaries of a female body.

  • This hormone is produced by the follicular cells in females
  • The amount of eggs a woman produces is directly correlated with her AMH level
  • During pregnancy, AMH is essential for the development of the sex organs in the developing infant in the uterus. 
  • Girls’ AMH levels begin to rise steadily at birth and reach their peak at age 25. 
  • After puberty, the follicle pool shrinks with aging and becomes undetectable during menopause, resulting in low AMH levels.
  • Research shows that AMH levels and the number of retrieved oocytes during an ovarian stimulation cycle are correlated, which helps predict an individual’s ovarian response during in vitro fertilization (IVF).

AMH Hormone Test in Females

An AMH test determines the blood level of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). Healthcare professionals or IVF doctors commonly administer the test to women, mostly to give a quick overview of their reproductive health.

Normal AMH Levels in Females Based on Age

Age-related variations exist in AMH levels. In females, AMH levels begin to rise in adolescence and reach their peak at age 25. Following that, they start to drop.

Basically, AMH levels are measured in nanograms per milliliter or ng/mL. The normal AMH level for all ages is:

20 – 25 years4.23 ng/mL
26 – 30 years3.48 ng/mL
31 – 35 years2.43 ng/mL
36 – 40 years1.28 ng/mL
40 – 44 years0.52 ng/mL

Why is it Important to Test AMH in Females?

There are various reasons why doctors suggest an AMH test. Some reasons include:

  • To know if a female’s egg production is stable or decreasing 
  • For diagnosis of specific problems that influence ovarian reserve
  • To predict ovarian response in female patients receiving reproductive treatment
  • It can provide information regarding the success rate of IVF

5 Reasons that Disturbs AMH Hormone Levels in Females


The primary factor influencing the alteration in AMH levels is age. From birth, all women have an unlimited supply of immature eggs. These eggs develop into mature ones utilized during ovulation cycles for the duration of a woman’s life, up to menopause. As a woman ages, her AMH level declines since her ovarian reserve diminishes. 

Poor Diet

High-processed foods and fat diets are considered poor for AMH levels. Poor eating habits lead to obesity, which in turn produces low levels of AMH and other reproductive problems. Additionally, some research indicates that low vitamin levels, particularly Vitamin D, directly affect AMH levels and fertility. Therefore, eating a balanced diet is recommended to achieve optimal levels of AMH.

Mental & Emotional Health 

Stress is one of the major factors that lowers AMH levels. Emotional stability and mental health are always advantageous, especially for women who are attempting to get pregnant. Infertility may arise from a constant state of mental stress or hypertension. Additionally, lowering stress and keeping a calm mind might raise AMH levels.

Contraceptive Pill

Long-term use of Birth control pills can reduce ovarian reserve. When compared to non-users, normal women who take OCP (Oral Contraceptive Pill) have reduced real AFC (Antral Follicular Count) and AMH. 


It has been observed that women who smoke have decreased follicular counts, low AMH, and poor egg quality. The quantity of cigarettes smoked each day has an impact. Women who smoke a lot are generally more likely to reach their menopause at an earlier age. 

Interpreting AMH Test Results

After going for the test, you might expect to get the result within days. However, at Crysta IVF, you can get the result within 24 hours of the test, which is why it is regarded as the best IVF center in Delhi. The result can imply different things to different people, depending on their age and why they have undergone it. 

Elevated AMH Level Suggest:

  • You possess a enough or greater quantity of eggs than what is needed (ovarian reserve)
  • You also stand a larger probability of becoming pregnant
  • You might have PCOS

Reduced AMH Levels Suggest:

  • You may have trouble conceiving because you have a poor ovarian reserve
  • You will be undergoing menopause soon 

Key Takeaway

AMH Test is a minimally invasive method that can provide more detailed information about a woman’s reproductive cycle and chances of conception. Fertility problems can be distressing, but with a simple test such as this one, IVF doctors will be able to suggest better tests to the females. 
There are a lot of questions you might have regarding infertility and its relation to the AMH level. You can book a FREE consultation at Crysta IVF and contact expert IVF doctors to discuss your problems.

Verified by Crysta IVF Doctor

Srishti Singh

Srishti is a senior medical content writer with extensive experience in medical communications. She excels at developing high-quality, impactful content for the healthcare industry. Her expertise includes writing, editing and creating engaging materials that bridge the gap between complex medical information and diverse audiences.

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