
Overview about Hysterosalpingogram

A woman needs to undergo an uncountable number of tests and x-rays when she plans to achieve conception. Infertility wreaks havoc in the life of a woman both mentally and physically. Tests and other procedures involved in infertility testing are time-sensitive, expensive and nerve-wracking. Educate yourself about fertility and maternal health conditions prior to getting started with your pregnancy journey. As per the research report presented by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), over 25-35 percent of women experience failure because of tubal-factor infertility. A hysterosalpingogram (pronounced as HIS-teh-roh-sal-PING-oh-gram) is a test that helps in examining and analyzing the inside walls of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Let us understand the term hysterosalpingogram by breaking it; hystero in hysterosalpingogram means ‘uterus', Salpingo refers to 'fallopian tubes' and the term Gram depicts 'x-ray’. It is an outpatient procedure performed by doctors to get a clear picture of the shape and contour of the uterus and ascertain if there are any fibroids, growth of endometrial polyps, or scarring. It is a minor x-ray procedure that ascertains the opacity of the fallopian tubes or determines if there are any blockages in the fallopian tubes This procedure is conducted when a woman experiences failure in getting pregnant because of blocked fallopian tubes. The doctors examine the lining of the uterus, opacity of the fallopian tubes, and the cervical canal's dilation. It is important to examine the fallopian tubes for a woman who fails to get pregnant because a blocked fallopian tube prevents fertilization. A Hysterosalpingogram test is also recommended to patients with repeated pregnancy loss and a woman who fails to carry the pregnancy to term because of structural problems in the uterus or polyps or fibroids.

When is the HSG test performed?

When a woman is on 5-12 days of her menstrual cycle, doctors perform an HSG test. Before conducting this test, doctors confirm the negative pregnancy test result with the patients because this test cannot be performed during pregnancy.

How is the HSG (Hysterosalpingogram) test done?

Depending upon the patient's medical condition, doctors may recommend some over-the-counter painkillers before commencing the HSG test. In some cases, antibiotic medicines are also advised to patients prior to the procedure. HSG test is conducted in a fertility clinic by allowing the patient to lie down under an x-ray imager known as a fluoroscope. A speculum is inserted into the vagina, and the cervix is cleaned.

A thin catheter is then inserted into the cervix, and the speculum is removed. Medicated liquid containing iodine is administered into the uterus to contrast with fallopian tubes in the x-ray.

With the help of fluoroscopy x-ray, testing images are obtained by the doctor that depicts the condition of fallopian tubes and the outline of the uterus. The patient is also asked to move around to get the side views in the imaging. The patient might experience some cramping during the HSG procedure, and light vaginal spotting is also expected for a few days.

How to prepare for the HSG test?

If you are planning for the HSG test to be done, then a few things are there which you need to be aware of before going as it will assist you in preparing yourself for the test:

  • It is recommended to pick the fertility specialist for the HSG test as usually it is performed at the gynecologists centre or the radiology. Still, patients facing infertility problems must ensure scheduling the appointment with infertility specialists.
  • You can also see if your health insurance company is covering fertility treatments like HSG.
  • The HSG test is usually performed between the 5-10 days of your menstrual cycle. It is to make sure that you aren't pregnant during the test. Your doctor will initiate performing the pregnancy test if you have irregular periods and aren't sure about whether you are ovulating or not.
  • Allergic responses to the contrast dye are uncommon but can take place. Make sure that you share everything with your doctor, such as having any strong allergic reactions. It is because there is the use of the materials in HSG tests that can cause allergies.
  • You can also consider taking the anti-inflammatory pain medicine by consulting your doctor before going for the procedure. It is usual to experience some issues such as mild cramping because of the catheter insertion and premedication with a painkiller which can help in minimizing the discomfort. You require taking another dose later after the completion of the process.
  • If you experience any spotting after the test, don't worry, it is normal. You need to make sure to bring the pad with you. Spotting happens because of the contrast dye leakage. Also, remember that you may have to continue wearing the pad for some days as dye requires time for expelling from the uterus.
  • It is recommended to wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing as most women usually experience tenderness after the process.
  • Lastly, it is advised to stay at home to relax for some days from work as you may feel numbness, nausea, or dizziness because of the process also because cramping continues for some time.

Complications of HSG test

HSG is a very secure process, although some complications can be serious at times and take place only in around 1% of the cases. Here are the complications an individual can go through:

  • Pelvic infection is one of the most severe issues with the HSG test. It generally occurs when a female has ever experienced a tubal disease in the past, like chlamydia infection. In some cases, the infection can damage the fallopian tubes or make it essential to remove them. A female must get in touch with the doctor if she is experiencing serious pain or has a fever after the test within one or two days.
  • After the HSG test, women also may experience light-headedness during or after the process completion.
  • Radiation exposure is another complication that women can face during the HSG test. So, if a woman is pregnant, it is not advised to go for the test as it can cause harm. However, radiation exposure doesn't cause any major harm, but the test shouldn't be done.
  • A woman going for the HSG test may have to experience the issue of allergy to iodine because of the contrast used in the test. A woman must inform the doctor if a woman has an allergy to iodine. It is because then the test will be performed without the use of iodine contrast solution. And, if there is any observation of rash, swelling, or itching, then you must get in touch with the doctor immediately.A woman going for the HSG test may have to experience the issue of allergy to iodine because of the contrast used in the test. A woman must inform the doctor if a woman has an allergy to iodine. It is because then the test will be performed without the use of iodine contrast solution. And, if there is any observation of rash, swelling, or itching, then you must get in touch with the doctor immediately.

What are the normal and abnormal results in HSG tests?

Firstly, it is important to know that there are two kinds of results in the HSG: normal and abnormal. Here is what it reflects:

Normal results

If the X-Ray shows the uterine shape that is normal and the dye pills injected at the time of test come out smoothly from the fallopian tube ends, it means that the result is normal. However, it doesn't always mean that fertility is fine because it is believed that there is something wrong but wasn't seen in the test. According to the little research, 35% of the false-negative incidents with an HSG were found. In normal HSG testing, it is tough to diagnose endometriosis and the only option to do this is laparoscopy.

Abnormal testing

The result is considered abnormal when the dye reflects an abnormally shaped uterus, and if the flowing of the dye is not smooth, then there is an issue. A study also found out that around 15% of the women have the wrong positive. It happens because when the dye is unable to pass through the uterus and into the tubes, the blockage occurs between the fallopian tube and the uterus. So, if such a thing happens, the doctor will consider repeating the test one more time or will advise some other test to be sure.

What can you expect after the HSG test?

After the HSG test is complete, you can only expect to go back to your normal routine from the next day. If you are experiencing any side effects such as serious pain, heavy bleeding, or fever, you must reach out to your doctor straight away.

As an IVF service at Crysta IVF, we realize that undergoing the HSG test is not a pleasant experience, but it can help you find the answers to your questions. Several women found out that they were pregnant after the HSG test. It is because of the dye flow, which dislodges a minor blockage like endometriosis lesion, releasing the fallopian tube for normal operation.

HSG test price

If you are planning to get the HSG test done, then you should be aware of the prices. Every fertility service sets their own prices for the HSG test. In Crysta IVF, the price ranges from 700-2000 INR which is an economical price depending on the centre and location you have chosen.

HSG increases the pregnancy success

There is no clarity as to why tubal flushing, also known as HSG, enhances the odds of pregnancy, but some theories are there.

According to one theory, the dye initiates flushing out the fallopian tubes and clears any blockage, if there is any in the women. However, HSG doesn't have the efficiency of repairing or opening severe blockages. So, if there is any such case, the HSG test will reflect the blocked fallopian tubes. The HSG enhances the possibility of conception because of the dye breaking through the thin adhesions.

Another probability of enhanced pregnancy by HSG is dye solution enhancing the endometrium that is the uterus lining in a certain way and making it simple for the embryo implantation. There can be some side effects, such as anti-inflammatory effects

Why should you go for an HSG test?

If you wonder why the HSG test is advised, it is one of the tests when you are trying to get pregnant and are facing problems in conception. It is also primarily recommended in cases when a woman has experienced more than two miscarriages already. It is found that around 10-15% of the repeated loss of pregnancy is because of the uterus that is abnormally shaped. If it reflects that there is a tubal blockage, then the doctor will initiate performing the laparoscopy. IVF is suggested if there is any severity in the situation as it can assist you with conceiving by entirely dodging the fallopian tubes.

Women have the chance of getting pregnant naturally after the HSG test; in fact, the probability increases by around 25% for approximately three months after the process. It may be happening because of the tubal flushing from the contrast fluid that is oil-based or even the dye solution increasing the uterus lining.

So, if you are wondering when you can try to conceive after the test, then it is safe to try after a few days. You have to make sure that you are following the doctor's instructions. Since HSG can assist you with achieving the pregnancy, it is essential to keep in mind that the main goal is serving the diagnostic test. And you should make sure that you pick well-known services like Crysta IVF.

Why Choose Crysta IVF?

Crysta IVF has been delivering infertility treatment and IVF related services with the help of top fertility experts. We have been offering assisted reproduction technology services to childless couples trying to get pregnant for years and feel helpless in achieving pregnancy. We have ensured incorporating the nationally acclaimed infertility experts in our services to guarantee success at affordable prices.

You will find the best state-of-the-art technology with all the advanced and latest technology, including equipment to achieve the finest results. If you are struggling with infertility, you can reach us anytime and pick the service from our wide-ranging services such as IVF, IUI and other infertility treatments such as ICSI, TESA PESA, Hatching, screening, diagnosis etc. You must choose us because we have managed to achieve a high success rate and have made the dream of having a baby fulfilled for countless couples. Following the standardized protocols with the proven outcomes is our strength. You can anytime get in touch with us, and our representatives will make sure to help you out in every way.

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