Check Your Stress Levels
Before You Plan Your Pregnancy

Stress and Infertility Are Closely Related

Stress alone cannot result in permanent infertility, but several studies confirm that stress delays conception. It is not only the case when you are trying to conceive through IVF treatment, but the same can be the reason when you are trying for natural pregnancy.

It has been observed in multiple cases that couples who have lower anxiety and stress have higher chances of pregnancy and vice-versa.

So, we at Crysta IVF, after a thorough analysis, acknowledgment of various researches, and discussion with highly qualified fertility doctors and specialists, recommend a stress calculation before initiating pregnancy trials through IVF Procedure.

Well, to ease the process and save time, we present to you a simple test or an online stress calculator. All you need to do is answer a few questions honestly and get to know your stress levels.

Calculating your stress levels before consulting a doctor can help you manage this reversible cause of infertility and open the doors of the parenthood journey.

Calculate Your Stress Score With a Simple Quiz

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