Does Cinnamon Improve Fertility in Women? जब एक कपल बेबी प्लान कर रहा होता है तो वह गर्भधारण में सहायता करने वाली हर चीज को आज़माता है। ऐसी कई खाने…
Motherhood is one of the best feelings that complete women. Well, not everyone is blessed enough to experience this bliss. Over 48 million couples across the globe suffer from infertility. If…
Why does low AMH happen? एएमएच का मतलब एंटी-मुलरियन हार्मोन है, और यह ओवेरियन फॉलिकल (ovarian follicles) द्वारा निर्मित एक हार्मोन है। यह महिलाओं में ओवेरियन फॉलिकल के विकास और…
Over the past few years, infertility is a condition that has become a common health problem among both males and females. It is usually defined as the inefficiency of conceiving…
Every woman is well aware of the term "lady doctor," which is a general term mostly used by people. But technically, few people are aware of obstetrics and gynecology and…
Choosing a sperm donor is not an easy decision. There can be many cultural, psychological, and religious barriers. For any couple or single parent, it is an entirely personal decision…
What could be the reasons for the failure of IVF? आईवीएफ़ यानी कि इन विट्रो फर्टिलाइजेशन (In Vitro Fertilization) एक ऐसी चिकित्सा पद्धति है जिसकी मदद से बांझपन (infertility) की…
A woman plays different parts throughout her life. From a daughter to wife to mother, she performs different roles. But in her life journey, while moving on the path of…
गर्भनलियां या फॉलोपियन ट्यूब अंडाशय और गर्भाशय के बीच मौजूद होती है और इन्हें गर्भाशय ट्यूब कहा जाता है। फॉलोपियन ट्यूब गर्भाशय के ऊपरी भाग के दोनों तरफ से निकलती…
Nowadays, it has become a trend to put off the planning of an extended family or parenthood until later in life. But unfortunately, some people face infertility issues when they…
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