Factors Affecting the IVF success rate In India

factor affecting success rate of IVF in India

With the rising fertility complications and sedentary lifestyle, the need to opt for ART procedures is increasing. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a multi-faceted ART procedure and fertility treatment that has helped millions achieve their parenthood dreams. 

Although, there are various factors that may affect the success rate of this procedure. These factors need to be considered before going through the procedure. 

Are you aware of them? If not, then you should definitely read through this article to know more about them in detail, and plan your IVF journey accordingly!

However, before proceeding further, it is also important  to learn about IVF treatment. So buckle up, and let’s get started!

Understanding IVF: A closer look at In-vitro fertilization

IVF(In-Vitro Fertilization) is a specialized medical procedure that aims to help couples overcome their fertility challenges so that they can plan for a healthy baby.

This treatment involves the extraction of mature eggs and healthy sperm to combine them outside the human body in a laboratory setting to facilitate fertilization and embryo development. 

IVF treatment is considered one of the most vital fertility treatments, and to make sure its outcome is successful, we will explore the factors that affect its success rate.

What are the factors affecting the success rate of IVF in India?

Several factors can influence the success rate of IVF in India. It’s important to note that success rates can vary between clinics and individual cases, but here are some common factors that can impact IVF success:


The woman’s age plays a major role in determining the success of an IVF procedure. As the age increases, the success rate starts to drop rapidly due to lower egg quality and other factors. Women experience their peak fertility before the age of 35, while for men fertility stays unaffected by age until 40 years. After these ages, both males and females start experiencing a reduced fertility, often due to reduced egg and sperm quality with age.

Hence, deciding IVF success rate by age is crucial; it is best to consult a renowned fertility expert for a better understanding.

Fertility disorders

Many fertility problems in males and females may affect the success rate of IVF treatment. In women, problems such as blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, and PCOS; and in men, low sperm count, motility, and morphology can be tackled during IVF treatment. However, other fertility complications, such as fibroids, uterine abnormalities, and ovarian dysfunction, are more challenging to overcome with only a single IVF treatment. So to boost the IVF success rate on the first attempt, other surgeries and donor programs may be considered.

History of Previous pregnancy 

A couple who has had a successful pregnancy outcome in the past indicates a better and higher possibility of a positive pregnancy with the In-vitro fertilization treatment. On the other hand, a medical history of multiple or recurrent miscarriages, and severe fertility issues can make IVF more difficult and reduce the likelihood of IVF success rate in the first attempt.

Transfer of embryos 

According to the best IVF experts, the embryo transfer procedure is one of the most delicate and important aspects of the entire IVF treatment. So, to increase the chances of IVF success, a flawless transfer is essential in addition to a viable embryo and an effective uterine implant. Even a single mismatch with the timing issue can jeopardize the transfer process and decrease your embryo transfer success rate.

Uterine receptivity 

This factor is as significant as embryo quality. Quite similar to planting a seed, if the quality of the seed or soil is compromised anyhow, the outcome of cultivating a healthy plant will be reduced. Just like that, various factors can affect your pregnancy, such as uterine lining thickness, immunological factors, and the uterine cavity’s contour. So, be careful, consult your doctor, and do everything to make sure you have a successful pregnancy.

Lifestyle Factors

To enhance your IVF success rates, a thriving and healthy environment is essential for you. If you have made up your mind to go through an IVF treatment after checking several parameters, you should quit smoking and consuming alcohol for at least three months before starting the treatment. You can also adopt practices to manage stress, eat healthy, reduce weight, and include exercise and yoga in your daily routine. All of these lifestyle factors have a major impact on your hormones and your ongoing fertility treatment.

Mental Health 

IVF is a long process and can affect your mental health too. With too many steps to take like a rollercoaster ride, there is a higher chance that IVF treatment may drain your mental health. The health changes and medications given during the IVF treatment given to women can increase the risk of anxiety and depression. Also, the risk of failure can make IVF an altogether mentally draining experience.

Also read: Yet Another Research Confirms-Stress and Female Infertility are Related

Fertility clinic 

No doubt, fertility clinics are one of the external factors that help determine the success rate of IVF treatment in the first attempt. Numerous factors that affect the success of an IVF cycle have a direct connection to the fertility clinic. With the inclusion of its expertise, protocol, and technology, from the lab’s success rates to laboratory standards, including air quality, and the experience of the embryologists, all collectively affect IVF success rates.

Myths related to the success and failure of IVF treatment

 Except for the above-listed factors, there are some misconceptions among individuals regarding the factors affecting IVF success and failure. Let’s take a look at them:

Increased cancer risk

According to medical research, there is no connection between cancer and IVF. Women can undergo many fertility treatments without any risk of getting cancer. Although in some cases, artificial reproductive procedures can result in ovarian cancer, the chances of which are almost negligible. 

IVF has a 100% success rate 

This is the biggest myth! The IVF success rate in India is only around 40% in couples below 35 years of age. Moreover, positive IVF results depend on the factors that we have discussed above.

IVF pregnancies cause cesarean births 

There is no proof that all IVF pregnancies result in cesarean births. Women who tried for many years to have a baby but failed to attain a natural pregnancy can also have a normal vaginal birth even with IVF treatment. 

One IVF failure puts a full-stop.

When a couple fails their first IVF treatment, it doesn’t mean that they cannot ever succeed in the process. Firstly, the reasons for IVF failure need to be understood, and consultation with the IVF doctor should be made. 

To know more about the associated myths and to separate them from fact, read this informative article IVF Myths and Facts: Breaking the Stereotype Around IVF

Consultation is the key; talk to an IVF specialist now! 

IVF is not an easy process; instead, it is a challenging one with  many ups and downs. IVF success rates can be influenced by many factors. However, it is important to notice that the IVF success rate and the factors affecting it are not universal; they can vary from individual to individual.

So, in these circumstances, it is best to consult with an IVF expert at the best IVF clinic in Delhi, Crysta IVF.

Dr. Nidhi Sehrawet, an infertility specialist in Delhi with more than 15 years of experience, follows a personalized approach to make sure the best possible results are achieved. 

Apart from that, the panel of fertility experts stand with you from  the moment you visit the IVF center to the time you get positive news. The fertility team of experts makes sure you get the best experience to overcome all fertility challenges!

Shivangi Prajapati

Shivangi Prajapati, a writer by profession and passion, has expertise in the healthcare industry. With her extensive research into medical advances, she loves breaking down complex health information, making it easier for people to understand the recent trends in clinical and medical realities. Her dedication to providing trustworthy, relevant, and usable information helps people take good care of their health.