What is PCOD: Everything You Need to Know?

what is pcod

In recent years, with technological advancements, we might be taking a step ahead, but our health is stepping back. Yes, you read that right. The modern, fast-paced lifestyle characterized by high stress, poor dietary habits, and sedentary routines has contributed to varied health problems, and hormonal disorder is one among them. We are not just talking about mood swings but a serious hormonal disorder that causes problems as severe as PCOD, short for Polycystic Ovary Disorder. It is a silent disruptor of women’s health, affecting their fertility and overall well-being. The concern is growing with each passing day, affecting a wide range of women around the globe. If we believe the stats, according to UNICEF, about one-third of all menstruating women globally have PCOD.

If you want to fight PCOD, understanding it first is essential. Therefore, you should know what factors lead to it, the symptoms, and what can be done to manage it. So, let’s dig into the blog for a better understanding and take the first step to improving the quality of life.

What is the PCOD Problem in Women?

PCOD or Polycystic Ovarian Disorder, is a hormonal disorder affecting women, particularly their reproductive health, causing irregular menstrual cycles, ovulatory dysfunction, and the formation of small ovarian cysts. It results from a hormonal imbalance, particularly excess androgen, and insulin resistance, which can lead to problems like acne, excess hair growth (Hirsutism), unintended weight gain, and more.

This is not the end of the story; if left unaddressed, the condition is also linked with Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, recognizing the early signs and taking timely action is critical to minimize the risk of developing all possible complications. So, what are those signs that one needs to pay attention to? Scroll down to find out.

What are the common symptoms of PCOD?

  • Unintentional Weight Gain: The hormonal balance due to PCOD contributes to unnecessary weight gain, making it difficult to lose weight.
  • Irregular Periods (Abnormal Menstruation): Irregularities in your menstrual cycle, like heavy periods, missed periods, or light to prolonged bleeding and infrequent periods, are some of the common signs indicating Polycystic Ovary Disease.
  • Anovulation and Ovulatory Dysfunction: The hormonal imbalance can even result in irregular ovulation, further increasing the risk of fertility problems among women.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: One common symptom of PCOD is an imbalance in sex hormones that can lead to varied problems among women, like excess hair growth on the body, acne, and hair loss on the scalp.
  • Ovarian Cysts Formation: Multiple small cysts on the ovaries imply that your hormones are not balanced and indicate Polycystic Ovary Disease.

The symptoms could also indicate other problems, and their severity varies depending on an individual’s health, age, and other factors. Therefore, identifying the actual cause is essential and may call for immediate medical assistance, as it can otherwise increase complications and the risks of fertility problems. But what is the root cause of this hormone imbalance leading to PCOD? Let’s find out:

PCOD Treatment

What are the common causes of PCOD?

What Causes PCOD is yet to be understood, but several factors that contribute to its development include the following:

  • Genetics: According to some studies, your genetic makeup or family history significantly contributes to your higher risk of developing PCOD.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Another factor contributing to your higher risk of PCOD is today’s sedentary lifestyle or our personal lifestyle choices.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: An imbalance in your hormonal levels is also a major risk factor contributing to the development of Polycystic Ovary Disease.

The cause could be anything; it is essential to understand that the problem is big, and if left unaddressed, it can lead to varied problems in women, especially fertility-related problems. But what is PCOD problem treatment? What can be done to treat it? Read on to learn more.

Related: Diet plan for PCOD and Healthy Tips

How to cure PCOD permanently?

Before proceeding, you must understand that PCOD disorder is a complex hormonal disorder that cannot be cured. Still, its symptoms can be effectively managed with the correct preventive measures and timely action. Here are some natural approaches that help you manage PCOD:

Cope with Stress: Stress, especially chronic stress, is another factor that worsens PCOD symptoms. Therefore, it can be beneficial to manage it with yoga, meditation, and mindfulness.

Make Your Diet Healthier: The first and foremost step that can help you ease the symptoms of PCOD is your diet. Limit the intake of processed foods, sugar, and refined carbohydrates that influence your hormones and health in general, and adopt seasonal fruits and vegetables that promote good health.

Shed Unwanted Pounds: Whether you are already overweight or gained unintended weight due to Polycystic Ovary Disease, managing it is essential to improve hormonal balance and PCOD symptoms.

Never Miss a Workout: Exercising is the key that can help you unlock the doors of good health and balanced hormones. So, engage in light to moderate physical exercise as per your health or body requirements.

Never Skip Your Health Check: Keeping track of changes in your hormones is essential to assess the risks associated with this health condition and take proactive measures in time. So, you should consider a timely PCOD diagnosis to initiate timely PCOD treatment.

These guidelines are simple and can impact an individual’s health differently. Therefore, following the advice of your healthcare provider is essential to ensuring outcomes are favorable to your health and helping with PCOD management.

Final Word

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome can significantly impact fertility due to irregular ovulation and hormonal imbalances. Timely action is vital, as early intervention and lifestyle changes can often mitigate Polycystic Ovary Disease-related fertility challenges.

For those who face persistent difficulties, IVF can help overcome issues related to irregular ovulation and enhance the chances of successful conception. However, for a personalized treatment approach, it is essential to consult a specialist. Looking for the best IVF Centre in Delhi? Crysta IVF has got you covered. We have a team of specialists on board. Reach out to us today for PCOD support or an IVF consultation! +91- 893 893 5353

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