Symptoms of failed implantation of Fertilized Egg


IVF treatments are a ray of hope for individuals and couples with infertility who are trying to conceive. However, IVF treatment is a complex and extensive procedure and its success depends on many factors, related to your medical conditions, lifestyle habits, and the facility’s expertise and technology. Sometimes, the fertilized eggs may fail to implant into the uterus, resulting in an implantation failure. This article discusses the symptoms of implantation failure and other things you need to know about a failed implantation.

How common is implantation failure?

IVF is a complex and extensive procedure that may have certain complications, like implantation failure, due to various reasons. However, implantation failure is a disappointing but common thing during an IVF treatment. Research shows that it is the cause of almost 75% of all IVF failures. Many implantation failures result in a pregnancy loss or chemical pregnancy. In a natural pregnancy, nearly 40-60% of embryos are lost during the process of fertilization and birth. Recurrent implantation failure (RIF), where two or more consecutive failures occur, is also an issue with around 5% of IVF patients.

5 Symptoms of Failed Implantation of fertilized egg

There are no telltale symptoms of an implantation failure. However, certain probable symptoms may allude to a failed implantation. Here are some common symptoms:

Failed Pregnancy test

Pregnancy tests work by measuring hCG levels, a hormone that is only released when the embryo is successfully implanted in the uterine lining. If it has been more than two weeks since your implantation procedure and your pregnancy test comes out negative, you likely have a failed implantation.

Arrival of periods

Another sign of an unsuccessful implantation is the arrival of periods. If you start experiencing menstrual symptoms after your implantation procedure may indicate that you have a failed implantation. This symptom is not definitive though, and may happen after a successful implantation. It is necessary to consult with your doctor if you experience this symptom.

Abdominal cramps

Frequent abdominal cramps that feel like menstrual pain can be a sign of a failed implantation. Other symptoms such as mood changes, breast tenderness, nausea, and headache, which come along with the menstruation cycle, can indicate implantation failure. You should seek medical attention if these symptoms occur.

Inconclusive ultrasound results

Ultrasound tests can reliably reveal an implantation failure. An ultrasound can detect chemical pregnancy, where the egg fails to implant or develop after implantation. It can also detect a missed miscarriage, where you have a miscarriage but the tissue fails to exit your uterus.

No Implantation Bleeding

Implantation bleeding refers to a small amount of spotting or bleeding that occurs 10-14 days after an embryo transfer. It is generally considered a sign of successful implantation. Although it does not happen to everyone, still if you do not experience any implantation bleeding, it may be a sign of an implantation failure.

Also Read: Implantation Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms, “Maybe Baby” Spotting

What causes failed implantation?

A failed implantation may be caused due to a multitude of medical and lifestyle factors. Here are some common causes of implantation failure:

Chromosomal Abnormalities 

Chromosomal abnormalities can occur during embryo development due to errors in cell division or genetic mutations in the sperm or egg. These abnormalities may cause the embryo to not develop properly, and they increase with increased age.

Uterine Abnormalities

A receptive uterus is very important for a successful implantation. Abnormalities in the uterus can hinder the implantation process. These are some uterine anomalies:

  • Hydrosalpinx
  • Chronic Endometritis
  • Mullerian malformation
  • Thin endometrium
  • Adenomyosis

Hormonal Imbalances 

Hormones have an important role in the processes and functions of the reproductive system. An imbalance in the hormone levels can disrupt ovulation and delay the thickening of uterine linings for needed implantation to occur. This can lead to an implantation failure.

Lifestyle Factors 

Several lifestyle habits can lead to an implantation failure. Habits such as smoking, unhealthy dietary schedules, and excessive alcohol can affect implantation. Smoking can damage and alter DNA in eggs and sperm, an unhealthy diet can disrupt hormonal balance and alcohol consumption can disrupt ovulation. Hence, avoiding or quitting these habits is important if you want a successful implantation.

Important tests to diagnose implantation failure

Implantation failure can be challenging for patients trying to conceive through IVF treatment. Here are some tests that can diagnose implantation failure and help you better understand the causes behind it.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy

Many embryos created during an IVF cycle have an abnormal number of chromosomes. Embryos with chromosomal abnormalities can result in a failed implantation. The PGT-A test determines genetic abnormalities in the embryos.

ERA Test

The Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) Test examines the receptivity of a woman’s endometrium or inner uterine lining. This examination helps determine if the uterus is ready for implantation or not.

Hyper Salpingography

Hyper Salpingography is an imaging test used to assess the fallopian tubes and ovarian reserve. This test can provide critical information about any blockages in the fallopian tubes, polyps, cysts, etc, that may hinder the transfer of embryos to the uterus, resulting in implantation failure.

Also Read: What is the ERA Test? Endometrial Receptivity Array Procedure, Cost in India

Tips to prevent implantation failure

Implantation failure can be a tough and disturbing phase when going through an IVF treatment. It is important to be aware of certain lifestyle and health habits to adopt and avoid to prevent a failed implantation. Here are some tips to prevent implantation failure:

Change Lifestyle habits

Lifestyle habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption have a negative impact on fertility in both males and females. Smoking may cause damage to the sperm, eggs, or even the embryo, leading to an implantation failure. Alcohol may disrupt hormonal balance in the body leading to reproductive complications. Hence it is necessary to avoid these habits.

Maintain a healthy BMI

Unhealthy BMI levels may cause many complications during IVF treatment. An underweight or overweight BMI can cause difficulty in implantation and may delay the IVF process. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy BMI to prevent implantation failure.

Take PRP Treatment

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is a procedure where PRP is injected into the ovaries or uterus. PRP is a plasma found in the blood that has immense growth factors and helps in embryonic development and endometrial thickening for implantation. This treatment can help you achieve a successful implantation.

Screen for underlying medical conditions

Before going through the implantation procedure, it is important to go through a complete checkup and screening of underlying medical conditions that may result in potential implantation failure. These conditions include hormonal imbalances, uterine problems, fallopian blockages or damage, diabetes, etc. A proper screening can help you effectively prevent an implantation failure.

The Key Takeaway

Implantation failure is a disheartening, but quite a common complication in an IVF journey. It is important to have a proper knowledge of the symptoms, diagnosis, and prevention of implantation failure. Moreover, you should choose the right IVF treatment facility that can provide you with the best support and care that you need while on an IVF journey. If you are looking for such a facility, Crysta IVF might be just the thing for you. Crysta IVF is one of the leading IVF treatment centres in India, aimed at providing patients with the best treatment and support. So why wait any further?  Consult with our fertility experts at Crysta IVF today!

Also read: What happens to your body after embryo implantation?

  Verified by Crysta IVF Fertility Experts

Kirti Saxena

Kirti Saxena, a dedicated healthcare content specialist with over 5 years of experience focusing on IVF and reproductive health. Passionate about improving health outcomes, Kirti specializes in crafting credible, well-researched content aimed at educating people and communities. With expertise in writing health blogs, website content, and magazine articles, Kirti effectively communicates complex medical concepts in accessible language, detailing health issues and offering practical solutions. Her commitment to staying updated on the latest advancements ensures that her content reflects the most current insights in the field of IVF.

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