Top 10 Important Lifestyle Changes and Precautions After Embryo Transfer

symptoms after embryo transfer, precautions after embryo transfer

Mrs. Akriti successfully conceived after struggling with infertility for 3 years. You might wonder why it took so long for her to achieve this milestone. The reason is that she avoided certain crucial steps after her embryo transfer. 

Remember, every small mistake can lead to serious issues. Therefore, mothers need to take every necessary precaution to ensure IVF success. Here are some important lifestyle changes and precautions after embryo transfer, which Mrs. Akriti initially overlooked.

Embryo transfer is considered the last step of the IVF process. The ability of the embryos to implant in the uterus will determine whether or not the IVF is successful. It takes two weeks for the mother to know if she is pregnant. However, the process of transferring embryos to a woman’s uterus to conceive is known as Embryo Transfer.

10 Precautions to Take After Embryo Transfer

Generally, the embryo transfer is done after 3 or 5 days of fertilization. The IVF specialist decides the day when the transfer must be done. It depends on several factors, such as the divisions of cells, the number of healthy embryos, the mother’s health condition, and the uterine wall. After the embryo transfer, the mothers must follow certain lifestyle modifications and precautions for a successful transplant.  

  • Refrain from stress & anxiety. 
  • Consume a balanced & healthful diet.
  • Steer clear of intense physical activity
  • Avoid any sexual activity
  • Don’t ignore any serious symptoms
  • Avoid consuming harmful chemicals

“Every couple’s journey is unique. Providing personalized precautions tailored to their specific circumstances makes us different.”

#1 Take Proper Bed Rest

Doctors recommend resting completely and staying in bed immediately after the embryo transfer. Generally, it takes six to ten days for a 3-day embryo transfer and some fewer days for a 5-day embryo transfer. 

  • Take a vacation during the transfer week. 
  • Take sufficient sleep and take care of your body. 
  • Slowly start going back to your regular activities. 
  • Do not do anything that is physically demanding.

#2 A Healthy Diet is a Must! 

The time following embryo transfer is an excellent opportunity to start eating healthy during pregnancy. A balanced diet after embryo transfer is the key to maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Have a variety of fresh, leafy green vegetables and fruits 
  • Take a protein, calcium, and iron-enriched diet
  • Vitamins and Minerals are the best for embryo growth
  • Consume adequate water to keep your body cells hydrated

Also, consult with your fertility specialist before consuming any products or supplements.

#3 Follow Your Doctor’s Advice & Medicines

After embryo transfer, take some time to rest and refrain from doing anything that is physically demanding. Your IVF specialist may advise you to relax completely after embryo transfer, stop practicing any outdoor games for a while, drink plenty of water, use a lift instead of stairs, and avoid having intercourse.  

#4 Avoid Vigorous Exercises for 2 Weeks

After embryo transfer, you should refrain from engaging in any physically taxing activities as they may harm your physical and mental health. Some IVF safety measures must be followed by the mothers when engaging in physical activity. 

  • Refrain from bending, jumping, running, jogging, swimming, and moving heavy objects
  • Avoid going to the Gym or Zumba for 2 weeks
  • Practice Yoga or simple exercises to stay fit

#5 Say No to Sexual Intercourse

One of the many safety measures that need to be followed after embryo transfer is to refrain from sexual activity. A “pelvic rest” is necessary for your reproductive system as an embryo is currently developing there. 

Do not have sexual relations for at least two weeks following the embryo transfer. The uterus is stressed during sexual activity, which causes it to contract continuously. These contractions disrupt the developing embryo in the uterus and disturb the implantation.

#6 Do Not Ignore any Symptoms 

Some mothers might undergo long-term hormone therapy, which results in Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). In OHSS, the ovaries become uncomfortable and inflamed, resulting in mild to severe symptoms. Consult your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms after embryo transfer

  • Vomiting and Nausea
  • Severe Stomach Ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating

These symptoms are usually not severe, but they should not be ignored. Ignoring these signs can exacerbate the condition and lead to more problems. 

#7 A Big No to Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy tests should not be taken at home! A false-positive or false-negative result could result from an early pregnancy test. After the transfer, you should wait around two weeks before taking your first pregnancy test. 

Schedule your official pregnancy test with the doctors to avoid any hustle in the future. 

#8 Stress & Anxiety? Avoid Them!

We understand that the whole IVF process can cause anxiety and stress. But staying positive this time is crucial for your developing baby. Listen to music, go out for a walk, talk to friends, and discuss with your partner to avoid stress and anxiety. 

#9 Keep Away from Heat and Harmful Chemicals

The secret is to keep your body at a proper temperature. According to several studies, body temperature can rise during IVF. Consult your doctor immediately if your temperature rises above 102 or 103 degrees Fahrenheit. It can interfere with embryo implantation, the release of pregnancy hormones, and the growth of the fetus.

Also, refrain from using hot tubs or steam rooms or consuming hot meals that can raise body temperature.

#10 Take Folic Acid Supplements

Folic acid supplements are essential for the fetus’s brain development and prevent neural tube abnormalities during pregnancy. IVF specialists recommend a daily dose of 400 micrograms or more of vitamin B9 to women to avoid abnormalities in their fetuses.

Positive Signs After Emrbyo Transfer

We understand that it can be distressing to question the meaning of every emotion. But doctors at Crysta IVF are available for you to answer all your questions related to IVF. Every mother may experience different symptoms that indicate various meanings. However, some common positive signs experienced by the mothers are: 

  • Breast Tenderness
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Missed Periods
  • Cramps and Bloating
  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Increased Basal Body Temperature
  • Light Bleeding or Spotting

Take Away

There’s a lot of hope and expectation after embryo transfer. This is when all precautions and attention to detail could be worthwhile. These safety precautions are integral to your goals of becoming a parent and serve as the basis of your future. 

If you face any problems or have any doubts regarding embryo transfer, you must immediately connect with an IVF specialist at Crysta IVF. We practice 100% transparency and help parents fulfill their dream of parenthood. Book a FREE consultation and start your journey, too.

Meanwhile, Stay Fit and Stay Healthy!

Verified by Crysta IVF Doctors

Srishti Singh

Srishti is a senior medical content writer with extensive experience in medical communications. She excels at developing high-quality, impactful content for the healthcare industry. Her expertise includes writing, editing and creating engaging materials that bridge the gap between complex medical information and diverse audiences.

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