Foods to Eat and Avoid After Embryo Transfer: A Comprehensive Guide

Foods to eat and avoid after embryo transfer

If you are also planning for a healthy pregnancy with the help of IVF, it is essential to do the right thing, know in detail how you can make your IVF pregnancy successful, and conclude what foods to eat and avoid after embryo transfer.

But before continuing with planning, it is also vital to know why it is essential to maintain a healthy diet to achieve success in an IVF pregnancy. So let’s get started with this comprehensive guide and join in the battle to fight infertility complications together.

Also read: What happens to your body after embryo implantation?

Importance of IVF diet after embryo transfer 

The embryo transfer procedure is the last one of In-vitro fertilization and the most important one. At this stage, the fertilized egg (A combination of egg and sperm) is implanted into the woman’s uterus. And to begin IVF pregnancy, the embryo must attach to the woman’s uterus lining.

Many people think the IVF process ends just after the embryo transfer, and they neglect to care for their health, which is wrong on many levels.

So, if you have decided to plan your family with the IVF process, starting with a detailed analysis is better to lower the chances of failure.

Also read: What are the Positive Signs to Look After an Embryo Transfer?

To consult an IVF doctor, connect with Crysta IVF, the best IVF center in Delhi, with top IVF doctors to reduce the percentage of infertility in India.

We can understand that you might be physically exhausted and have millions of options in your mind on what foods to eat and avoid after embryo transfer and where to start.

But don’t worry. Getting these mixed feelings about IVF is pretty common, as IVF treatment is time-consuming, expensive, and requires a lot of monitoring for your health.

But after completing the whole journey, you can proudly welcome a healthy baby, which makes the journey even sweeter.

However, with all these ups and downs, you should never forget to take care of your body’s health, maintain a well-balanced diet, and determine what foods to eat and avoid after embryo transfer.

So, to get the best tips, continue to read on.

book appointment

What to eat and avoid after embryo transfer

The correct answer still needs to be found with so many ongoing debates. But with the help of nutritionists, fertility experts, and dietary guidelines, the right diet plan can be planned!

First and foremost, your diet should revolve around whole foods and not only some specific types of nutrition.

If you are a vegetarian, your diet should include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

And non-vegetarians should prefer fish over red meat.

Moreover, a whole-food diet is rich in antioxidants, and plant proteins boost your fertilized egg’s health.

Along with that, the whole food diet carries a satisfactory percentage of healthy fat, which has anti-inflammatory properties to keep your body healthy overall.

Hence, to look for a detailed analysis, monitor the following tips. 

Foods to eat after embryo transfer

There are certain nutrients that women going through IVF pregnancy must not forget to include in their diet, such as:

1. Iron

The first and foremost function of iron in your body is hemoglobin synthesis. It is required for the right proportion of oxygenation and the overall functioning of each body tissue, including but not limited to our reproductive system. If not maintained, its deficiency leads to anemia. Studies show that women are more prone to iron deficiency, so it is better to include pumpkin seeds, spinach, beetroot, carrots, jaggery, etc.  

2. Zinc

Many women are still confused about whether they need zinc, for which their bubble needs to burst! Zinc is necessary to balance your hormone levels, which is vital for the reproductive process. The foods you should include in your diet that contain zinc are nuts, grains, dairy products, potatoes, and meat. However, you can also take zinc supplements after consulting with your fertility expert.

3. Folic Acid

You must include folic acid in your diet after embryo transfer. Folic acid is required for a baby’s normal brain and spinal cord development. When not included in the diet, it can lead to neural tube birth defects in a baby. So include green leafy vegetables, rice, beans, legumes, eggs, asparagus, and citrus fruits.

4. Healthy fats

Fats serve as energy storage in the body, which helps boost your energy during the long IVF journey. Studies have suggested that polyunsaturated fatty acids may improve fertility and oocyte and embryo quality, while trans fats adversely affect fertility by increasing insulin resistance. Healthy fat sources include fish, walnuts, olive oil, chia seeds, and flaxseed oil. Women should avoid cookies, cakes, frozen pies, snacks, fast food, and other baked goods. These are all rich in trans fat, which adversely affects pregnancy.

5. Protein-rich food

Proteins are identified as the building blocks of the body and are essential for the growth of babies. Good protein sources for food after the embryo transfer is fish, tofu, beans, cheese, milk, nuts, legumes, and sprouts. However, you should remember that red meat and egg consumption should always be in moderation. 

6. Fruits and vegetables

These are the most important sources of antioxidants and help detoxify your body. And are one of the much-needed foods to include in your list of foods to eat after embryo transfer. Vegetables include spinach, citrus fruits, beans, peas, avocados, broccoli, and fruits such as bananas, oranges, berries, dates, sprouts, pineapple, and broccoli, which help you attain a healthy pregnancy.

7. Oral fluids

Water is required to maintain the hydration of the body and to-

  • Boost the immune system.
  • Remove the impurity from the blood.
  • Thickens the uterine wall and prepares a woman’s uterus
  • Balance hormones 

Now that you have finally studied what foods to eat after embryo transfer, it is time to acknowledge the same.

Also Read: Is Exercise Recommended during, and after Embryo Transfer?

Diet Chart to Follow Post Embryo Transfer

Have you recently undergone an embryo transfer and are looking for a diet chart? A post-embryo transfer diet involves all foods that provide the body with essential nutrients like proteins, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals needed after embryo transfer. Here is a general diet chart overview you can follow to maintain a balanced diet.

CategoryBreakfastLunchDinnerServing Size(Per meal)
ProteinEggs, YogurtMeat, LentilsSalmon, Tofu180-250 gm
VegetablesBroccoli, CauliflowerCucumber, tomatoSpinach, Bell peppers400-500 gm
Small CarbsOats, ApplesOranges, RiceLegumes, Porridge150-200 gm
Plant FatsNutsSeedsOlive oil1-2  tbsp

Note: This diet chart is based on foods that provide benefits after the embryo transfer process and is just a suggestive diet chart, not a medically approved diet for all individuals. Please consult your healthcare provider before making any dietary changes.

Foods to avoid after embryo transfer 

The foods you are required to avoid after the embryo transfer are:

  1. Spicy food 
  2. Allergenic foods 
  3. Sheep and chicken liver
  4. Undercooked meat or egg
  5. Processed and canned foods
  6. Sodas 
  7. Alcoholic beverages 
  8. Leftovers 
  9. Seafood high in mercury, like tuna and mackerel,
  10. Caffeinated beverages like tea, coffee, and energy drinks
  11. Unpasteurized milk 
  12. Too much pickle and vinegar

A proper diet after embryo transfer can do wonders and make you the happiest parent alive if well-maintained.

So, the best thing to do is consult your healthcare provider and ask for a diet plan. As every human body is unique, the urgency of a healthy diet can vary from woman to woman.

The factors mentioned above are, on average, selected after a detailed analysis. So worry less and take action more; study your body’s health for the success of IVF pregnancies from now on.

Learn more: What to do while waiting for a pregnancy test after embryo transfer?

Take Away 

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, and to make it successful, you have to do a lot, especially when going for an IVF pregnancy. So, maintain a proper diet after embryo transfer, as it reduces the chances of failure to a great extent.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to drink after embryo transfer?

It is important to hydrate your body after an Embryo Transfer. Dehydration negatively impacts the process of implantation. Opt for natural options like water and fruit juices.

Can spicy food affect Implantation?

While there’s no data linking spicy food affecting implantation, it does disrupt digestion and triggers acidity. Avoiding spice during fertility treatments promotes a healthy environment for your body’s wellness post Embryo Transfer.

  Verified by Crysta IVF Fertility Experts

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Shivangi Prajapati

Shivangi Prajapati, a writer by profession and passion, has expertise in the healthcare industry. With her extensive research into medical advances, she loves breaking down complex health information, making it easier for people to understand the recent trends in clinical and medical realities. Her dedication to providing trustworthy, relevant, and usable information helps people take good care of their health.