Negative Signs After Embryo Transfer: When to Worry?


The overall IVF process can be emotionally disturbing and physically draining. Whether you are taking medications, consulting the doctors every week, or going for embryo transfer, everything requires a lot of strength. 

And it can be exhausting if you don’t receive any positive signs after many hurdles. However, there are some chances that you might not experience any symptoms even after a few days of transfer. 

If you have undergone the IVF process, you must know the symptoms of what to expect after a few weeks of transfer and what could be the negative signs after the embryo transplant. Read out the blog to get answers to every question you have.

Is Failed IVF Common in Women?

Unbelievably, unsuccessful embryo implantation is a complicated and frequent situation. It is estimated that in a normal pregnancy, between 40 and 60 percent of embryos are lost after fertilization. 

According to recent research done in Reproductive Embryology & Endocrinology, there are almost 5% of people who use IVF to conceive get negative results even after two attempts. It was found that around 75% of these unsuccessful IVFs were due to implantation failure. 

Negative Signs After Embryo Transfer

Every pregnant mother must know the negative signs that they can encounter after embryo transfer. If you have undergone the IVF process, keep a check on yourself regarding any negative symptoms. You must immediately consult with a specialist at the topmost IVF centers in Delhi.

The specialist will diagnose your problems and clarify whether the signs and symptoms you are experiencing are normal. 

Lack of Pregnancy Symptoms

Several women anticipate being pregnant, with breast tenderness and nausea after embryo transfer. However, some women fail to experience it after 7 days of embryo transfer. 

Vaginal Bleeding

Some mothers might experience moderate bleeding, but a failed IVF can result in intense bleeding from the vagina. The bleeding is a result of the remains of the menstrual cycle that occurs because the embryo didn’t get placed properly. 

Extreme Pain or Cramping

Mothers can also experience severe discomfort and extreme pain after failed embryo transplants. In such situations, doctors recommend taking medications and following a healthy lifestyle to ease the pain.

Day-to-Day Symptoms of Embryo Transfer

The procedure is the same for frozen or fresh embryo implantation. The factors that influence the success of embryo transplantation include the uterine wall lining, activities the mother performs, and the stage at which transplantation is done.

Some doctors recommend using a day-5, day-6, or day-7 embryo rather than a day-3 embryo to increase the chances of transplantation. 

When the embryo is transplanted on day 5/6/7, some common symptoms experienced by the mother include:

  • Day 0 (Embryo Transfer): The embryo is gradually inserted into the uterine cavity.
  • Day 1-2 (Embryo Evolution): The embryo grows, dividing, multiplying, and hatching into several cells.
  • Day 3–5 (Adhesion and Invasion): The embryo touches the uterine lining, adheres to it, and initiates implantation.
  • Days 6 (Cell Division and hCG Production): The cells that will make up the fetus and placenta continue to divide. At the same time, the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to be released into the bloodstream.
  • Day 7 (Pregnancy Test): At this point, hCG levels may have risen to the point where blood or urine tests can identify a pregnancy. 

Symptoms after Day 7 of Embryo Transfer

  1. Bleeding from Implants

By day seven, the embryo must have established itself in the uterus. After implantation, the mother can experience implantation hemorrhage, which is a moderate bleeding problem. This usually lasts shorter than a regular menstrual cycle and is lighter. Only some receive implantation blood, so don’t worry if you don’t.

  1. Mild Cramping

After Day 7, some people may experience mild cramping or soreness in their lower abdomen due to the embryo’s attachment to the uterine lining.

  1. Fatigue

Feeling exhausted is a common symptom during this period as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy.

Positive Signs After Embryo Transfer

Apart from the negative signs, a mother should be aware of the positive signs after the embryo transfer to know if their IVF is successful. It includes: 

  • Mild Cramping 
  • Breast Tenderness
  • Missed Period
  • Tired & Fatigue
  • Nausea/ Vomiting
  • Increased Vaginal Discharge

What are Common Signs of Failed IVF?

A failed implantation might depress prospective parents. Knowing the symptoms will make it easier for the parents to spot them when they happen and get the medical help or guidance they need. 

  • Spotting or Light Bleeding 
  • Gentle Cramping
  • Lack of Symptoms of Pregnancy
  • Abortive Test Results

It’s crucial to keep in mind that every woman experiences pregnancy differently and that there may not always be an issue if there are no symptoms.

Consult the experienced doctors at Crysta IVF and clear out your fertility issues. 

When Should I try again after a Negative Embryo Transfer?

Expert doctors generally advise waiting two to three months before another embryo is transferred through IVF. During this period, the patient is advised to rest and follow a good lifestyle to stay fit for another cycle. Also, the embryologist will work closely with you to know the cause of negative embryo transfer. 

As an alternative, some doctors aim to proceed with a frozen embryo transfer following the unsuccessful IVF round. The endometrium will have fully grown again by the time and menstruation may occur. After the menstruation, the doctors will again start observing your day for the second round of transplantation. 

To Sum Up 

Finding out that you have not yet experienced any symptoms might be distressing, especially if you have been waiting tensely for the IVF round to succeed. 

Please be aware that it is completely okay to experience no symptoms or negative symptoms after embryo transplantation. You must consult with an experienced IVF to know more about how the symptoms work. 

At Crysta IVF, we help parents fulfill their dream of becoming parents. We provide you with every possible solution to your problem. Our highly cutting-edge equipment gives accurate reports and increases the chance of conceiving. You can directly connect with our doctors at 8938935353. 

Crysta IVF ~ Your Happiness Begins With Us.

Verified by Crysta IVF Doctor

Srishti Singh

Srishti is a senior medical content writer with extensive experience in medical communications. She excels at developing high-quality, impactful content for the healthcare industry. Her expertise includes writing, editing and creating engaging materials that bridge the gap between complex medical information and diverse audiences.

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