Is IVF Treatment more successful in summer?

is ivf treatment more successful in summer

Do you wonder what is the best season for an IVF treatment? Of course you do. Recent research may point toward summer as the most suitable season for IVF and conception. But is it really so?

Let’s find out. Keep reading this article to learn all about IVF treatment in summer, their benefits, reasons, success rates, and more!

A Historical POV

Just like animals, humans lived a primal life in the distant past. Our ancestors relied on their instincts and followed the behavioral patterns of other mammals to survive and thrive, including behaviors in reproductive activities.

Most mammals try to conceive during spring or summer so their offspring can get 4-6 months to grow and prepare for the upcoming harsh winters. This may have been the case with humans, too. 

This theory is not proven, but it still provides some insights into why summer might be more suitable for IVF treatment.

Are you more fertile during summer?

Although inconclusive, some research suggests that males and females may have higher fertility rates during this season than during other seasons.

Research shows that men are almost twice as fertile around July than in January. Results indicated that sperm motility is the highest in summer months while lowest during winter months. Sperm motility(greater than 40% moving sperms) was 65% in summer compared to 49.7% in winter.

However, the exact cause of the rise in male fertility during summer is untraceable; some researchers believe that seasonal changes in hormones affecting testosterone levels may be responsible.

Melatonin levels increase in women during summer. Melatonin regulates women’s menstrual cycles. Healthy and regular menstrual cycles may lead to higher fertility and better information about the ovulation period, around which the chances of conception are the highest.

Vitamin D also plays a major role in the development of eggs in women’s ovaries. Summer can provide better exposure to sunlight to fulfill your daily Vitamin D requirements. 

There is still much research needed to conclude whether people are more fertile during summer, and the existing research collides with each other’s perspectives and findings.

Why Choose Summer for IVF?

India is known for its unforgiving summers and heat waves. This season may not be ideal for IVF Treatment for various reasons. However, multiple studies indicate that summer might be a great time to opt for IVF procedures. Here are some of the reasons why summer is suitable for IVF Treatment:

Higher Vitamin D exposure 

Sunshine is abundant in the summer season, and along with the sun comes Vitamin D. Sunshine exposure leads to increased Vitamin D production in the body. Vitamin D is crucial for fertility and related to healthy conception. It reduces the risk of miscarriages, improves the quality of eggs in females, and is also linked to better sperm motility in males. These things may contribute to a higher success rate during an IVF treatment.

Better Mood

Research shows that people are happier in the summer season than in winter and other seasons. The average stress level is also lower than at other times of the year. High-stress levels are linked to lower fertility and other health problems. Sunshine exposure and increased melatonin may be the reason for reduced stress in summers, contributing to higher success rates of IVF treatment.

Also Read: Stress and Infertility Walk Hand in Hand- Effective Ways to Deal With It.

Longer Daylight Hours

In summer, days are significantly longer compared to other seasons. Longer daylight hours mean increased sun exposure and more time to spend with your partner and prepare for IVF treatment. Quality time with loved ones can positively impact the psychological and physiological well-being of patients undergoing IVF treatment.

Increased Physical Activity

Unlike lazy winter days when you don’t want to get out of bed, summer is a more suitable season for physical activity. People are more active during summer and are inclined to exercise and go outdoors more compared to winter. Increased physical activity helps keep the cardiovascular system healthy and promotes blood circulation. It is also linked to higher fertility levels in both males and females.

Some Considerations For IVF Treatment in Summer

Proper Hydration: Summer heat can quickly dehydrate your body. It is important to stay hydrated to survive heat waves and other problems. Dehydration can cause blood thickening, reducing blood flow to the uterus and embryo.

Optimal Sun exposure: Get enough sunshine to fulfill your Vitamin D needs. Summer daylight is excellent for providing you with your daily Vitamin D. However, stay under the sun briefly.

Healthy Diet: Treat your body with a healthy and refreshing diet during summer. Consume foods that are easy on your gut and provide cooling and refreshment. Additionally, your diet should include all the essential nutrients required for daily intake.

Ideal Clothing:  Wear loose, cotton clothes to prevent heat absorption. Avoid wearing nylon or synthetic fabrics and dark-colored clothes as they absorb more heat.

Egg Collection in Summer

Several researchers worldwide have shown that summer might be the best season for egg collection. A study conducted in Australia found that eggs retrieved in summer had a live birth rate of 31%, while 26% in autumn and lowest in winter, around 23%. The study claims that it does not matter much which season the embryos are transferred into the uterus, but egg retrieval is a probable determinator of the success rate. Also, the eggs collected on days with more than 10 hours of sunlight exposure were 28% more likely to result in a live birth than eggs retrieved on days with seven or fewer hours of sunlight exposure. Other studies have shown similar results, suggesting summer may be the most suitable season for egg retrieval.

Do not Delay your Parenthood!

Fertility is a complex phenomenon, and it is important to understand that delaying your IVF treatment can reduce your chances of successful conception. Increasing age naturally results in decreased fertility among men and women. Many other factors like genetic history, lifestyle habits, and underlying medical conditions affect IVF success rates more than seasonal changes. So, you should take your treatment on time in summer or winter. It is advisable to seek medical attention as soon as possible to increase your chances of conception.

The Key Takeaway

Summer can be a suitable time to adopt IVF treatment due to higher sun exposure, better mood, and other reasons. It might also be the best season for egg retrieval. However, you should take your IVF treatment time. Contact a medical professional and seek their advice before making any decisions. If you are looking to undergo an IVF procedure, you should consult with our Fertility experts at Crysta IVF. We at Crysta IVF are determined to provide the best medical services and full professional and personal care with well-equipped and experienced staff. Book a consultation with us Today!

Also Read: How To Deal With Unexplained Infertility?

  Verified by Crysta IVF Fertility Experts

Kirti Saxena

Kirti Saxena, a dedicated healthcare content specialist with over 5 years of experience focusing on IVF and reproductive health. Passionate about improving health outcomes, Kirti specializes in crafting credible, well-researched content aimed at educating people and communities. With expertise in writing health blogs, website content, and magazine articles, Kirti effectively communicates complex medical concepts in accessible language, detailing health issues and offering practical solutions. Her commitment to staying updated on the latest advancements ensures that her content reflects the most current insights in the field of IVF.

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