How to Open Blocked Fallopian Tubes: Natural Effective Methods

how-to-open-bloacked-falopian tubes

Fertilization occurs in the reproductive system’s fallopian tubes. Here, the sperm fuse with the egg, resulting in the formation of a zygote. After fertilization, the zygote moves to the uterus to implant and develop into a fetus. However, for several reasons, the fallopian tubes get blocked in females, making it difficult for them to conceive. 

Because the body has two ovaries, the egg can still pass through one obstructed fallopian tube and become fertile. It will only be feasible to conceive naturally, though, once one or both of the tubes are unblocked if they are entirely obstructed.

Due to advanced technology and natural treatment methods, these fallopian tubes can be opened. However, discuss with an expert fertility specialist before proceeding with any treatment. The doctors will thoroughly examine you, find the real cause of your problem, and suggest treatment methods to help you conceive.

How do you know if the Fallopian Tube is blocked?

It is very difficult to identify and know about the blockage as symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes are rare. Many women are unaware that they have obstructed tubes until they have difficulties when they are trying to conceive.

Some women can observe consistent pain on one side of the abdomen. The pain can occur because of fluid accumulation in your blocked fallopian tube. This situation is known as hydrosalpinx.

Note: Women cannot know blockages in their fallopian tubes. Only certain diagnosis tests performed by the fertility specialist can help recognize a blocked fallopian tube when women cannot conceive. 

How to Open Blocked Fallopian Tube Naturally?

Blocked fallopian tubes can be diagnosed only through an HSG test by a fertility expert. Depending on your fallopian tube condition, The doctor will suggest certain treatment methods and lifestyle modifications. Some natural methods to open block fallopian tube include:

  1. Give Up Smoking: 

Cigarettes, alcohol, and tobacco usage can all lead to serious health issues and even fatal diseases. One of the health issues of smoking is infertility. To avoid any kind of damage to your fallopian tube, give up drinking and smoking.

  1. Increase Vitamin C Intake: 

One helpful antioxidant is vitamin C. It helps to:

  • Minimize the harm caused by free radical
  • Enhance the immune system’s functioning 
  • Lower the body’s inflammatory response 
  • Helps in the synthesis of collagen, a protein crucial for wound healing

Hence, Vitamin C is essential for our body to reduce the inflammation caused in the fallopian tube. Vitamin C is abundant in fruits like oranges and lemons. 

  1. Control Your Stress Level: 

One of the main things that causes problems with fertility in both men and women is stress. Stress can result in poor reproductive health, causing problems in your fallopian tube. Stress can be managed by:

  • Meditation 
  • Journaling
  • Listening to music
  • Yoga and Gym
  • Walking or trekking 
  • Massage Therapy
  1. Increase the Use of Turmeric: 

Turmeric has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that enhance the flavor of food and improve circulation, immunity, and the ability to heal wounds. Curcumin is a substance found in turmeric that has all these qualities.

Research was done on Curcumin’s effect on health, and it was identified that it helps lessen inflammatory disorders within the body. 

Also, the body can fully utilize turmeric effectively when we consume black pepper in any food.

  1. Incorporate Additional Herbs Into Your Meals: 

Cinnamon and garlic are great sources of nutrients that lower inflammation, promote blood flow, and avoid blockages. Try incorporating these herbs into your regular diet and tea for better reproductive health and reducing inflammation in your fallopian tube. 

  1. Consume Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Research has concluded a connection between increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids and lower levels of inflammation in the body.

High-omega-3 food sources include:

  • Flaxseed 
  • Walnut
  • Canola oil
  • Fatty fish and fish oils

Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tube

  • Endometriosis is a medical disorder caused when the tissue that normally borders the uterus grows on the ovaries outside of the organ.
  • Pelvic Infection describes a condition that primarily arises when the bacteria from an STD travels within the vagina and reaches the lining of the uterus.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection is an infection brought on by bacteria, parasites, or viruses that are spread through intercourse and may damage the fallopian tube.
  • Adhesions or scars from a prior surgery
  • Abnormal muscle growth inside the fallopian tube.

Can I Get Pregnant with a Blocked Fallopian Tube?

Yes, if one Fallopian tube is open, you can conceive spontaneously or with the use of an IUI. If both the fallopian tubes are blocked, you can get pregnant with IVF. 

With an IVF, the embryo is made outside of the body in a controlled laboratory environment and transported to the uterus through a tiny insemination catheter in case of blocked Fallopian tubes. 

If you have been trying to conceive for more than a year through unprotected sex but haven’t got any results, you must consult with a good doctor at the IVF center in India. The doctor will suggest certain tests to know if the problem is created by a blocked fallopian tube.

When to See a Doctor?

The only sign of a blocked fallopian tube is infertility. On the other hand, persistent pelvic pain can also happen if the fallopian tubes are severely damaged.

Women must consult an infertility specialist when:

  • They have ongoing pelvic pain below the age of 37 years
  • Trying to conceive for a year and still don’t have any good news


It can be difficult to open blocked fallopian tubes, but natural therapies must be used to be precautionary in advance. Natural therapies can be used along with surgical treatment methods to get a positive pregnancy result. 

Consult a good doctor to determine the best way to overcome this obstacle. 

There are several other ways to get pregnant without the above mentioned treatments. It includes IVF, ICSI, and IUI. Consult a specialist doctor at Crysta IVF to learn more about these procedures and get yourself treated.

Verified by Crysta IVF Doctor

Srishti Singh

Srishti is a senior medical content writer with extensive experience in medical communications. She excels at developing high-quality, impactful content for the healthcare industry. Her expertise includes writing, editing and creating engaging materials that bridge the gap between complex medical information and diverse audiences.

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