Miscarriages Are Unfortunate, Yet Real During Pregnancy Be It Real or Through IVF Treatment.
Studies reveal that miscarriages are equally common for all pregnancies, whether natural or IVF. Approximately 10-15% of pregnancies subside in the first 20 weeks.
These miscarriages and complexities are common in women of higher age, especially women above 35 years of age.
Miscarriages Exist, But Success Results are High For IVF Treatment.
IVF is draining physically, emotionally, and financially. So, if you are striving hard for pregnancy through IVF, you must understand the reasons that might lead to miscarriage after IVF and take measures to avoid the same.
Some of the Tips to How to Prevent Miscarriage
Well, every miscarriage has a reason behind it and following specific tips, it’s possible to avoid the miscarriage.
The first and foremost step you can take to prevent miscarriages is seeking consultation and getting the necessary diagnosis done.
Go For Hysteroscopy
Usually, doctors do not suggest hysteroscopy to everyone, and they recommend it only to women who have a history of miscarriages. However, it is safe to undergo a hysteroscopy before or during IVF.
It is one of the best tactics to diagnose the womb. Hysteroscopy will help detect uterine issues in detail, such as inner growths, blockages, fibroids, and any other damages. Not understanding the issues in advance not only reduces the chances of conception but also enhances the risk of Miscarriage After IVF or natural pregnancy.
A detailed analysis of the uterus is not possible with ultrasound only, so it is better to take up a hysteroscopy well in advance to avoid further complications.
Selection of The Right Progesterone
Progesterone is one of the necessary hormones necessary for the on-time menstruation cycle and also for preparing the uterus for pregnancy. If the progesterone levels are not as per the desired levels during the IVF Treatment, then the doctors escalate the progesterone levels using pessaries, pills, gels, or injections.
However, it is essential to select the most appropriate progesterone, and that too in the appropriate quantity to avoid the chances of miscarriage. Under dosage or over dosage of progesterone might lead to post embryo transfer bleeding in specific cases and, in extreme cases, might lead to miscarriage after IVF Treatment.
TSH Analysis
Studies testify that TSH (Thyroid Stimulation Hormone) levels in the blood significantly impact the reproductive system. The abnormal TSH levels can not only lead to miscarriage after IVF or natural pregnancy but might create other significant issues.
It includes the issues with:
- Menstrual Cycle
- Natural Conception
- Positive Pregnancy Reports post-IVF Treatment, and others
Now, What’s The Solution?
The best way to deal with abnormal TSH levels is to undergo a diagnosis before planning your pregnancy. Seeking the right medication at the right time after the diagnosis help in correcting the hormonal levels.
Once the TSH levels are appropriate after the treatment, you can expect a smooth pregnancy experience, and there will be minimal or no risk of miscarriages.
Blood Care and Analysis
Improper blood circulation is one of the biggest threats to pregnancy and a significant cause of miscarriages. Apart from that, thick blood and blood clotting also risk pregnancy.
It is observed that the patients who undergo blood tests and care before the IVF Treatment have a higher chance of success and minimal risk of miscarriage.
Blood tests before planning your pregnancy can help you diagnose additional issues like Hughes syndrome, thyroid issues, auto-immune disorders, and thyroid problems can be identified.
All of these can help you identify the issues that might hamper your reproductive system, and you can take all the precautionary measures well in advance, as per the doctor’s suggestions.
Precautionary measures before the IVF treatment can help you avail of the best results from the procedure and minimize the chances of miscarriage.
Cervix Examination and Care
The doctors put you through treatment, medical, injections, and other things while your IVF Treatment, which might significantly impact your reproductive health. Sometimes, these consequences can be harsh enough to affect your cervix in a way that opens up wide. Such conditions during early pregnancy are the primary cause of miscarriage.

So to avoid the issues, you shall plan your pregnancy after the detailed cervical diagnosis. If the cervix’s opening is deep, you shall first go for stitches to avoid unnatural birth cycles.
Natural Born Killer Cells
Natural-born killer cells are available in the bloodstream to avoid any kind of infection. However, these cells are supportive only if they are available in the required numbers. If these natural-born killer cells spread excessively in the blood, they can directly attack the fetus (considering it a foreign entity).
To get rid of the excess natural-born killer cells, the doctors proceed with prednisone and intralipid infusions. The precautions and treatments can help you with a healthy pregnancy.
Precautions During Early Pregnancy to Prevent Miscarriage After IVF
While it’s essential to note that not all miscarriages can be prevented, here are some precautions during early pregnancy that may help reduce the risk of miscarriage after IVF:
- Maintain a balanced diet, exercise moderately, and avoid smoking, alcohol, and illicit drugs.
- Ensure you’re getting essential nutrients like folic acid, which can support a healthy pregnancy.
- Minimize exposure to environmental toxins, chemicals, and certain medications. Consult a doctor about any medications you’re taking.
- Practice relaxation techniques, seek support, and find healthy coping mechanisms to reduce stress levels.
- Regularly visit a healthcare provider for prenatal check-ups and follow their guidance.
Remember, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and care during pregnancy.
Take Care Of Your Pregnancy After IVF Treatment
Conceiving does not come easy for all. While some are using contraceptives to avoid pregnancy or abortion, others are on their toes to hear the good news.
Especially if you are undergoing In Vitro Fertilization, just to see those two lines, you must seek all the precautions and care to avoid miscarriages.
IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is a multi-step procedure wherein the sperm and eggs are fertilized in the lab, and then the embryo is implanted in the uterus.
IVF, today is the hope for millions yearning for parenthood. However, choosing the right IVF Centre in Delhi in your ecstatic parenthood journey is essential to avoid any complications.

Crysta IVF has a significant role in completing the successful journey of parenthood for thousands of aspiring parents without any risk of miscarriage. It is because we initiate the IVF cycle only after a thorough diagnosis and pre-pregnancy planning.
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