How Soon Can a Pregnancy Test Be Taken After Implantation?

how soon can a pregnanct test be taken after implantation

Couples struggling with infertility and their families are naturally eager to know about their pregnancy status after undergoing an IVF implantation procedure. The wait can be exciting and stressful at the same time.

An IVF treatment takes around 4-6 weeks to complete. Although not all IVF cycles lead to a successful pregnancy, patients are still hopeful of getting their parenthood dreams turned into a reality as quickly as possible. 

Do you wonder what is the right time to take a pregnancy test after your implantation? Do you want to know what are the signs of a successful implantation?

If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss implantation and pregnancy tests. So, just sit, relax, and delve deeper into this topic as you read the article.

What is implantation during pregnancy?

Implantation occurs when the fertilized egg or embryo travels through the fallopian tube into the uterus and attaches itself to the endometrium(uterine lining). It takes about 8-10 days to complete.

During IVF treatment, the egg and sperm are fertilized outside the body under laboratory conditions. The mature embryo is then transferred to the uterus, where the implantation occurs 3-5 days after transfer.

What Happens during and after Implantation?

Contrary to popular belief, egg fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes, not the uterus. After fertilization, the embryo travels to the uterus and implants in the endometrium. In a natural pregnancy, the whole process takes 8-10 days.

In IVF implantation, embryo fertilization takes place in the laboratory, where it is kept for 1-2 weeks before transferring to the uterus via a catheter inserted from the cervix. The embryo generally hatches around five days after transfer and implants to the uterine walls.

The body responds differently to a successful and unsuccessful implantation.

After successful implantation, the placenta cells usually start producing HCG, which signals the body to keep producing progesterone. Pregnancy tests mostly rely on HCG levels to detect a possible pregnancy.

Unsuccessful implantation is characterized by a lack of HCG and progesterone production; however, sometimes, the body may react differently.

Also Read: What happens to your body after embryo implantation?

What are the Signs of Successful Implantation?

Successful implantation is when the embryo is transferred during IVF treatment and successfully attaches itself to the endometrium, and the pregnancy begins. 

If you wonder whether your implantation was successful or not, look for these signs that may indicate a successful implantation:

Bleeding or spotting

Light bleeding and spotting are some of the initial signs of a successful implantation. If you experience spotting on your underwear or wiped toilet paper  6-12 days after your embryo transfer, it may be a healthy sign.

However, bleeding or spotting does not ensure a successful implantation and may also occur for other reasons.


Abdominal pain and cramps are also an early indicator of a successful implantation. If you experience mild to moderate pain in the abdominal or pelvic area, it could be a sign that your embryo has been successfully implanted. 

Sore breasts

Some people may experience tender or swollen breasts after a successful implantation. Breast tenderness may occur due to the pregnancy hormones secreted after an implantation.

If you have swollen and tender breasts that hurt when pressing, it may be a positive sign.

Vaginal Discharge

After about 1-2 weeks of embryo transfer, if you start having frequent vaginal discharge that is pink to brown-colored or even blood-colored like menstrual discharge, it might be a sign of successful implantation. 

During the two weeks after embryo transfer, it is common to have vaginal discharge of this kind. However, consulting with a medical professional is the best option.

Frequent Urination

If you start having unusual and frequent urges to go to the bathroom lately, it may be a sign that your implantation has been successful. The increase in HCG and progesterone hormones after successful implantation can cause these frequent urges.

Learn More: Signs and Symptoms of Successful Implantation

When to take a pregnancy test after implantation?

As eager as you may be to take a pregnancy test and confirm your baby’s dreams, it is important to know the right time to do so. 

Taking the test just after the embryo transfer is not a good option, as it would probably not show results. The recommended wait period is about two weeks after the embryo transfer.

However, you may also take the test 3-5 days after you experience implantation bleeding and other signs of successful implantation. 

Taking the test too early, before implantation bleeding, or just after embryo transfer can result in a false negative, which can be disappointing but is effectively meaningless. Therefore, the right timing is crucial to take the test.

At Home vs Blood Pregnancy Test: How do they work?

Pregnancy can be tested through urine and blood tests. Nowadays, home-testing kits are available which measure HCG levels in the urine to test for pregnancy. However, these kits are not preferable as they might not display accurate results. Different kits have varying sensitivity from 100 mIU/ml to 25 mIU/ml. These kits might not show positive results if the HCG levels are lower than their sensitivity, making them unreliable.

IVF specialists recommend that patients undergo a blood test to get accurate results. You may opt for a blood test 2 weeks after embryo transfer to get the most accurate results.

The Key Takeaway

IVF treatment can be quite a long and challenging journey, and implantation is a crucial part of the process. Couples may be eager to take a pregnancy test after the embryo transfer, but it is important to understand that the right time to take the test is after the occurrence of implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding is one of the various signs of a successful implantation.

Proper knowledge about implantation and pregnancy tests is necessary to make the right decisions that will help you achieve your parenthood dreams.

Another important decision is choosing the right fertility center to help you on your journey toward parenthood. If you are looking for such a centre, Crysta IVF is the best option for you. We have a team of some of the best fertility experts in India and aim to provide exceptional treatment and support to all patients. So, Book a consultation with us today! 

Also Read: When Should You Take A Pregnancy Test?

  Verified by Crysta IVF Fertility Experts