Male Fertility Test and Treatment Options

male fertility issues and fertility test for men

Male infertility, or a male fertility test, is still one of the most taboo subjects in society. It’s still not clear how a man’s masculinity is attached to his ability to reproduce, but society has made it so. 

Did you know?

According to a study done by the Indian Council of Medical Research, about 15% of couples in India are unable to conceive due to male infertility. 

What it means is that out of every 100 couples trying to conceive, 10–15 of them will be facing difficulties due to male infertility.

Male fertility plays a crucial role in parenthood. Understanding and evaluating male infertility through specific tests are essential steps in diagnosing potential issues and exploring suitable treatments.

All Crysta IVF centres across India are equipped with the latest technology and supervised by experienced doctors and embryologists. Our job is to make your dream of experiencing fatherhood into reality. 

It’s time to reject myths and taboos and understand male infertility, its significance, and relevance in reproductive health:

fertility test for men

Fertility Test For Men: Assessing Reproductive Health

Male fertility primarily depends on three factors: Sperm Production, Sperm Quality, and Sperm Delivery. Any imbalance in these areas can affect sperm count, motility (movement), or morphology (shape), leading to conception difficulties. 

Several tests can help evaluate male fertility:

  • Semen test for males: Semen analysis, or the sperm count test involves examining a semen sample to evaluate its quality and quantity. It assesses crucial parameters like sperm count, sperm motility (movement), morphology (shape), and overall sperm health. As per recent studies, a sperm count of over 15 million sperm per millimetre is considered normal, while lower counts indicate potential fertility problems. 
  • Blood Test For Male Fertility Hormones: Male fertility hormone tests work by analyzing the blood sample taken from a man to assess the hormone levels crucial for reproductive function. Hormones such as testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and prolactin are evaluated. Imbalances in these hormones can affect the sperm production and overall fertility. 
  • Sperm Function Tests: These types of tests are capable of scrutinising the sperm’s ability to reach the egg and fertilize with it successfully. The hypno-osmotic swelling test (HOS) challenges the sperm membranes with a weak solution, mimicking their journey through cervical mucus. If they swell and coil, their resilience for fertilization is seen. The acrosome reaction test, on the other hand, delves into a sperm’s capability to release vital enzymes required to pierce the egg’s protective layer.
  • Genetic Testing: Sometimes, the root cause of male infertility can be more than just the surroundings or lifestyle. Sometimes, it can also stem from our ancestors. Genetic testing analyzes the DNA code, searching for hidden patterns that might shed light on the cause of infertility. Chromosomal abnormalities, mutations in the genes, and even carrier status for genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis can all cast a shadow on fertility. Unmasking these genetic factors provides invaluable information for the diagnosis, counselling, and even potential future advancements in gene therapy, ultimately empowering couples to choose the most suitable course of action toward parenthood. 

Addressing Male Fertility Concerns: Exploring Treatment Options:

Facing male fertility challenges can be daunting, but understanding the cause and ways can help you pave the right path for dealing with the problem. Here’s a glimpse into the diverse toolbox available:

Lifestyle Changes:

  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight can significantly improve sperm count and motility. A 5-10% weight loss can boost fertility in heavier person.
  • Dietary Adjustments: Embracing a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while limiting processed foods and unhealthy fats can enhance sperm quality.
  • Stress Reduction: Chronic stress disrupts hormonal balance, impacting sperm production. Techniques like yoga, meditation, and exercise can be powerful stress-busters.
  • Smoking Cessation: Smoking harms sperm DNA and motility. Quitting smoking significantly improves sperm quality within weeks.
  • Alcohol Moderation: Excessive alcohol consumption can decrease sperm count and function. Limiting alcohol intake is crucial for optimal fertility.


  • Hormonal Therapy: If hormone imbalances are identified, medications like testosterone or gonadotropins can help regulate production and improve sperm quality.
  • Antibiotics: Infections in the reproductive tract can hinder sperm production. Targeted antibiotics can eradicate these infections and restore fertility.
  • PDE5 Inhibitors: Medications like Viagra or Cialis, originally used for erectile dysfunction, can also improve sperm motility in some men.

Surgical Solutions:

  • Vasectomy Reversal: For men who previously underwent vasectomies and now desire to father children, surgical reversal can reconnect the vas deferens and potentially restore fertility.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART):

  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): This procedure involves placing washed sperm directly into the woman’s uterus, bypassing the cervix and increasing the chances of fertilization.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): With IVF, eggs are retrieved from the woman and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory setting. The fertilized embryo is then transferred back into the woman’s uterus.
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): This advanced technique involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg in the lab, particularly helpful for men with severe sperm quality issues.

Latest Breakthroughs:

  • Sperm DNA fragmentation testing: This cutting-edge test assesses sperm DNA integrity, crucial for successful embryo development. Identifying DNA damage allows for targeted therapies and improves IVF success rates.
  • Microfluidic sperm sorting chips: These innovative devices use microfluidic channels to isolate sperm with the best morphology and motility, potentially boosting IVF success rates in men with low sperm quality.

Choosing the right fertility clinic for you is pivotal in addressing the issue and finding the right solution for male fertility issue. Crysta IVF, the best IVF clinic in Kolkata for male fertility test,  covers all your concerns about becoming parents, and offers a comprehensive solution, utilizing state-of-the-art technologies and experienced professionals who are always ready to help you. Crysta IVF provides personalized care, accurate diagnostics, and tailored treatment plans, ensuring optimal support and guidance for couples navigating fertility challenges.

  Verified by Crysta IVF Fertility Experts

Related Blogs:

9 Ways to Boost Male Fertility and Increase Sperm Count

Milan Mahapatra

Milan is an enthusiastic content strategist and storyteller with attention to detail. As a Lead Content Writer for Crysta IVF, he creates engaging stories that enlighten and motivate patients as they prepare for fatherhood. Having a thorough awareness of the fertility environment, Milan uses his writing abilities to empower and inform those considering treatment. He is committed to providing factual, engaging, and interesting content that speaks to the audience of Crysta IVF.

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