Is IVF Treatment Covered Under Health Insurance?


Infertility is a common issue that impacts a lot of couples. According to WHO, infertility lies between 3.9% and 16.8% in India. Infertility is the inability to conceive even after a year of consistent and unprotected sexual activity. In such a situation, the couples undergo medical procedures such as IVF to conceive. But it requires a hefty price for undergoing IVF, and at this point, health insurance becomes relevant.  

The first apparent question to ask is, “Will my health insurance cover this?” Many new insurers have created or are beginning to create policies that pay for IVF treatment. 

Cost of IVF Treatment in India

India’s average IVF treatment cost lies between INR 80,000 and INR 3,00,000 in 2024. However, the cost can be changed based on several variables. It includes:

  • Initial Consultation & Diagnosis
  • Medications 
  • Preferred City for Treatment
  • Procedure Cost
  • Additional Cost

Despite these factors, IVF cost in India is far less expensive than in other nations.

Because of this, India is a popular destination for infertile couples searching for a cheap way to begin a family. Thanks to its cutting-edge medical facilities and skilled IVF physicians, India has become a leading IVF treatment destination.

Is IVF Covered Under Medical Insurance?

Most health insurance plans often do not pay for any infertility treatments. On the other hand, modern insurers are creating plans that either include IVF treatment costs or provide it as an optional benefit. 

Certain plans combine coverage for maternity and infertility treatments. There may be differences in the range of coverage for infertility among these health insurance plans. Some might only pay for particular infertility therapies. Therefore, before purchasing any insurance, always review the coverage for infertility and exclusions.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing Any Insurance for IVF

It takes a lot of research to select an insurance plan that covers infertility treatment costs. The following are some factors to consider:

  • Coverage: 

Check if the insurance provided for IVF is complete, partial, or only for prescription coverage. While most insurers cover infertility treatments, others only cover up to the amount you select for coverage. 

  • Caps and Limits: 

There are certain limits or caps on the cost covered by the insurance, such as the number of IVF cycles you can undergo in an insurance or a year.

  • Clinic Relationships: 

Certain insurers collaborate with a particular clinic and do not provide insurance for any other clinic. This reduces your options for undergoing IVF treatment in your preferred clinic. 

  • Waiting Period: 

A few insurance providers have a waiting period to undergo IVF procedures. The expenses of infertility treatment cannot be claimed from the moment you enroll in the coverage. The insurance provider might set a waiting period; once it is over, you can submit a claim to cover your infertility treatment costs.

Different Types of Insurance for IVF

Although all insurance policy providers do not cover IVF, some provide them with different types of coverage. Here is a quick overview:

  • Complete Coverage: It includes every part of the treatment, including consultations, the actual procedure, post-consultation, and preservation. 
  • Partial Coverage: This may include some treatment costs and consultations but not the IVF overall procedure.
  • Medication Coverage: This policy only covers prescription drugs used in the IVF treatment. 

What are the other Infertility Treatment Covered under Insurance?

Although there is a wide range of procedures involved in infertility treatments, some of them are covered by many health insurance plans while others are not. Here is a list of treatments that are covered under insurance by a few insurance providers: 

  • Intra-uterine insemination or IUI

IUI treatment is among the least expensive methods of treating infertility. Many health insurance policies fully cover this treatment procedure as part of the therapy for infertility. You can find an insurance that meets your demands for IUI coverage if you do the necessary research.

  • Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer or GIFT

GIFT is a less complex procedure than IVF as it does not include embryo implantation. A health insurance provider will often cover all or part of the cost of this surgery.

  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection or ICSI: 

This procedure involves injecting a sperm into the egg directly to form the embryo. This procedure may be partially or fully covered depending on the insurance provider or specific plan.

7 Things to Consider Before Buying Any Health Insurance

The cost of treating infertility is not always covered by health insurance. However, it is recommended that you review the plan’s terms and conditions. Before purchasing any infertility treatment through health insurance, here are some crucial things to consider.

  • Verify if the plan pays for the cost of a fertility diagnosis.
  • Check the eligibility requirements to understand if you are qualified for the plan. 
  • Examine the procedure that the plan covers.
  • Verify the coverage’s extent, sub-limits, and caps.
  • Know the infertility treatment waiting period, as it may vary throughout insurers.
  • Verify whether the plan also covers prescription drugs.
  • Understand whether additional coverage extends to other kinds of infertility treatment treatments.

In a Nutshell 

A newborn child brings immense happiness to a family. On the other hand, infertility may make it difficult to begin a family. But everything comes with a cost. However, insurance companies cover the IVF cost, bringing you closer to your dreams. Before taking any policy, compare various health insurance policies for infertility treatment to obtain the best coverage and financial security.

If you don’t find suitable insurance according to your requirements, you can contact Crysta IVF for financial assistance. We provide quick and simple medical loans with fast approvals and quick payout processes for our patients. We also offer 0% interest in EMI options to help prospective couples conceive. 

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