Why is IVF More Successful?

Did you know that around 5,00,000 children are born worldwide annually with the assistance of IVF treatment?
In-vitro fertilization, or IVF, is a revolutionary fertility treatment, first introduced in 1978 when the first IVF baby was born. Since then, over 8 million successful deliveries have been achieved with the help of IVF treatment. It is one of the most successful fertility treatments and is a boon for couples suffering from infertility, enabling them to achieve their parenthood dreams.
So, have you ever wondered why IVF is so successful? Or why it has a better chance of success than natural conception in people who have infertility?
This blog will answer all your questions about why IVF is so successful and the success factors. It will also provide you with some tips for better chances of success. So, keep reading until the end of the article to gain all these valuable insights on IVF treatment!
How does IVF Work?
IVF is a comprehensive procedure involving various steps and takes about 4-6 weeks to complete. The process starts with medical screening and counseling, followed by medications and trigger shots for ovarian stimulation. Then, the eggs and sperm are retrieved and fertilized under laboratory conditions, and after fertilization, the embryo is kept there for 6-8 days for development.
After this, the selected healthy embryos are transferred into the female patient’s uterus with the help of a catheter through the cervix route.
LEARN MORE: Step By Step IVF Process, 30 Days Guide For IVF Success
What are the factors that affect IVF success rates?
IVF is a fertility treatment offering solutions to various infertility issues with impressive success rates. However, certain factors determine and affect the success rates of IVF treatment, including medical conditions and age, among other things. Let’s take a look at the major factors affecting IVF success rates:
- Success Rates by Age
- Success Rates by Subsequent Cycles
- Medical History
- Previous Pregnancies
- Fertility Centre
- Some Lifestyle Factors
- Smoking affects both male and female fertility and may cause hormonal changes and other reproductive problems that reduce IVF success rates.
- Alcohol and caffeine consumption can lead to reduced effectiveness of fertility drugs and hormonal imbalance in both men and women. Their consumption is generally discouraged before and during IVF treatment as it can reduce IVF success rates.
- Low physical activity can also affect IVF success rates, as a sedentary lifestyle is linked to lower fertility rates and decreased overall health.
- Unhealthy BMI: An unhealthy BMI poses many health risks, including hormonal imbalances and reproductive problems that may reduce your fertility. These health risks can reduce the success rate of IVF treatment.
- The use of recreational drugs is dangerous to health, and excessive use might result in fatal outcomes. These drugs also interfere with the reproductive processes of the body and reduce the IVF success rates significantly.
- Stress and anxiety can have an impact on hormonal production as well as other psychological factors that may determine IVF success.
- Exposure to toxins like pesticides, insecticides, heavy metals, and other chemicals may lead to fertility problems and a lower IVF success rate.
Age is one of the biggest factors affecting fertility, both in men and women, and hence also affects IVF success rates. As age increases, the quality and volume of eggs and sperm in humans also decline. Research shows it has the maximum average success rates in females under 35 and men under 40, standing at about 43% for the first cycle.
Here is a table explaining the decline in IVF success rates with increasing age of females:
AGE - IVF Success rate
Below 35 - 43%
36-39 - 32.2%
40-42 - 18.3%
Above 42 - 6.14%
Although women experience a more aggressive decline in fertility, a study shows that males above the age of 40 years have a 30% less chance of conception. Hence, age plays an important role in ascertaining the success rates of IVF treatment.
A single IVF cycle does not guarantee conception, and most couples need to go through subsequent IVF cycles to achieve conception. Studies show that success rates increase substantially with the succession of IVF cycles. Each successive cycle guarantees a higher success rate than the previous one, except for some cases where the patients struggle with other underlying conditions that hinder the process.
On average, the first cycle of IVF has a success rate of 35-40%, while the second one offers a 57% success rate, followed by a 63% in the third cycle.
Opting for multiple IVF cycles until conception is normal and safe under the guidance of a well-qualified fertility expert and until there are no other known complications or underlying medical conditions.
The medical history of the couple undergoing IVF treatment can greatly affect the IVF success rates. Fertility problems such as low sperm quality, low testosterone levels, erectile dysfunction, varicoceles, etc., in males, while endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, blocked fallopian tubes, low egg quality, etc, in females can affect the chances of success and need to be treated beforehand if possible.
Some genetic disorders might also reduce success rates, including chromosomal abnormalities and congenital disabilities. These conditions are generally untreatable.
Previous pregnancies and miscarriages may influence the success rates of the present IVF treatment. If you have had a successful pregnancy, the success rates of the IVF treatment increase. At the same time, a history of one or more miscarriages can greatly reduce the chances of IVF success.
The facility providing IVF treatment also plays a big role in achieving a successful conception. A good fertility center with modern equipment and a good team of fertility specialists can ensure a safe and effective treatment while providing care and support to the couple.
Along with the factors mentioned above, several lifestyle practices and habits also affect the success rates of IVF. Here are some major lifestyle factors:
LEARN MORE: Factors Affecting the IVF Success Rate In India
How is IVF More Successful than Natural Conception?
Infertility is a challenging condition for couples trying to conceive. Natural conception can prove to be quite hard for people experiencing infertility. This is where ART procedures like IVF treatment come in.
IVF treatment has proved to be a miraculous medical procedure that has helped millions of couples achieve conception.
However, the question remains: How is IVF more successful than natural conception?
Well, there are a couple of reasons why IVF has proved to be more successful for couples suffering from infertility:
Fertility drugs
During the IVF process, the female is administered several fertility-boosting drugs and medications that also speed up the ovulation process. They also enhance or hasten the thickening of the uterine walls before embryo implantation, thereby increasing the chances of a successful conception.
Less sperm requirementA low sperm count in men can make it difficult for them to conceive naturally. However, IVF treatment has techniques that make use of limited sperm to fertilize the female eggs and produce healthy embryos for implantation. This increases the chances of successful conception for men with a low sperm count.
Bypasses medical conditionsCertain medical conditions, like blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, erectile dysfunction, polycystic ovarian syndrome, etc, can obstruct the path of natural conception. However, IVF treatment can successfully bypass some of these medical barriers and implant the embryo successfully into the uterus, improving the success rates.
Healthy embryosEmbryos developed under lab conditions are carefully monitored and screened, and only healthy, mature embryos without any genetic or physical abnormalities are selected for implantation.
This process eliminates the risk of abnormal or low-quality embryos and increases conception success.
Eliminates antibodiesThe female body has certain antibodies that attack male sperm and prevent it from fertilizing the egg during natural conception. The IVF process carries out the fertilization process outside the body, under laboratory conditions, and hence, the risk of antibodies reducing the chances of conception is eliminated. Moreover, the embryo is directly implanted into the uterus, making it hard for the antibodies to attack it.
Few Tips for Boosting IVF Success Chances
Certain practices and lifestyle habits can help boost your chances of IVF success. So, if you or a known one is looking to go through an IVF treatment, you should know these tips:
- Stop smoking
- Stay hydrated
- Take supplements
- Exercise regularly
- Maintain a healthy BMI.
Smoking is a dangerous habit and causes many health diseases, like heart disease, respiratory problems, cancer, and reproductive problems. It is linked with fertility problems like erectile dysfunction, lower testosterone levels, and damaged sperm in males, as well as ovarian disruptions, low egg quality, and hormonal imbalance in females. It may also cause congenital disabilities and chromosomal abnormalities in offspring. Hence, you should stop smoking if you are a smoker.
Water is essential for the body and carries out its natural cleansing. Staying hydrated also helps the body maintain hormonal balance and perform other reproductive functions, such as sperm and egg production. Proper hydration improves the chances of IVF success.
Taking macronutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, folate, iron, and other supplements along with a balanced diet can significantly boost your chances of a successful and healthy conception with IVF.
Regular physical activity and exercise help the body stay fresh and maintain hormonal balance. They also promote metabolism and facilitate better overall health. Studies have shown that people with an active lifestyle have better fertility rates and an increased chance of IVF conception.
Keeping a healthy weight is crucial to avoid any complications during IVF procedures. An unhealthy BMI can lead to hormonal imbalances in both males and females and also result in other conditions such as low sperm and egg quality, ovarian disorders, etc. Hence, maintaining a healthy BMI is recommended by fertility experts before undergoing any fertility treatments.
Choose the Right Fertility Centre!
As we come to the end of this article, you must now be clear about why and how IVF is so successful. You must also be aware of the factors that affect IVF success and some tips to boost the chances of success.
While all these things are important in determining IVF success, one previously discussed factor can be the game changer: choosing the right fertility center.
Choosing the right fertility center is crucial for couples looking to undergo IVF treatments. They must ensure that the facility is trusted and reputable, uses the most modern technology available, and has an excellent staff and a team of fertility experts.
If you are looking for such a fertility center, Crysta IVF is the perfect choice for you. We are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and modern equipment to provide seamless fertility treatments. Our experienced and empathetic staff ensures care and support to all clients at every step. Guided by a team of some of the best fertility experts in the nation, we are dedicated to providing the best experience to all our patients. So, Book a free consultation with one of our fertility experts at Crysta IVF today!
As per the "PCPNDT" (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1994, Gender Selection and Determination is strictly prohibited and is a criminal offense. Our centers strictly do not determine the sex of the fetus. The content is for informational and educational purposes only. Treatment of patients varies based on his/her medical condition. Always consult with your doctor for any treatment.