Why do most infertile couples not go for IVF treatment?

why to most infertile couples not go for ivf treatment

Nowadays, there are so many options available to treat fertility compared to previous times. These options empower the couples to opt for whatever treatment they feel is suitable for them. Of all the fertility treatments, IVF is one of the most well-known and successful treatments that successfully treats infertile couples and blesses them with babies that are not possible for them in a natural way.

But still, some couples do not opt for IVF treatment and don’t even consider pursuing it. However, it is the most suitable option for an infertile couple. The decision is up to the couple to make and the people around them advise them to try other such unworthy treatments, even if they are totally unfamiliar with them. So, it is always better to take expert advice in such cases.

Also Read: What Is IVF? Process, Cost, & Preparation

Here are some crucial reasons why couples don’t prefer IVF treatment:

Elder’s decision is significant

Choosing and pursuing fertility treatment is a tougher decision when the elderly are the decision-makers in the home. Following the advice of family or friends is a major roadblock to not pursuing IVF treatment. In India, people live in joint families. It is mostly seen that there are always many people involved in a family when taking any major decisions, especially in such cases. Family pressure or in-law’s pressure is always there for a couple.

Moreover, couples get afraid before taking the decision to opt for IVF treatment about how their relatives and friends will react to the decision. And ignoring the elder’s decisions can also accuse them of hurting the parents or in-laws by not listening to them. Those people would be giving the wrong advice without understanding the pain of not being able to bear kids.

IVF treatment cost

Cost is another thing that can come into the decision making of IVF treatment. Because the treatment needs lots of finance, which may include various tests, doctors’ fees, frequent visits, specialized technology, and much more, IVF treatment seems like an expensive affair to some couples. Therefore, couples often delay IVF treatment.

Also Read: How Much Does IVF Cost in India in 2024?

Preferring the natural way of conceiving

Some couples decide not to seek medical advice or use unnatural methods for conceiving. Perhaps they are unaware of IVF treatment, or it could be due to religious beliefs. The family prefers traditional or conventional methods.

The couple’s age and health

Sometimes one of the partners’ health is not in such a condition that it can allow them to take IVF treatment, or may be one or both of the partners’ age. And the couple think that they won’t be able to bear the complications and other health risks associated with IVF. IVF treatments need healthy partners. But in such cases, the doctor’s opinion matters because before starting any IVF treatment, fertility specialists always evaluate and analyze the health of the couple.

Treatment’s complexity

Sometimes couples get scared by the roller coaster ride that comes with IVF treatment. For example, unsuccessful cycles, frequent visits to clinics, waiting for the results, a tight routine that needs to be followed to get pregnant, retrieving eggs, medical tests, side effects of the medication, and the procedures too. In that case, the couple may choose to stay away from IVF treatment.

Opting for other treatments

Sometimes couples decide to choose other options like surrogacy, hormonal therapy, IUI (intrauterine insemination), etc. Maybe it simply doesn’t feel right to them to choose IVF treatment.

Not their own child

Some people think the IVF baby or test tube baby won’t be their own, that it is something artificially made by someone else. Such obliviousness is also one of the barriers to undergoing IVF treatment.

Religious belief

Sometimes IVF treatment is challenged by religious ethics because the fertilization is taking place in vitro (in a lab) or outside the human body. This concept seems unnatural to people who have deep-rooted religious beliefs.

Adopting child

Whenever a couple finds themselves infertile, they enlist a number of options in front of them and opt for the most suitable one. Some couples go straight for adoption instead of preferring treatment or trying to have their own biological child. They want to fill the gap immediately by replacing them in this way and thus erase the pain of infertility quickly. For those couples, this is another way to complete a family.

Child-free decision

Sometimes infertile couples also make the decision not to take any fertility treatment, including IVF. They want to be child-free but not by choice, so they volunteer with child welfare organizations or prefer to be involved as uncles or aunties to their own family members’ children.

Lack of communication

Sometimes couples do not want to communicate about the fertility treatments or they don’t have a better relationship in between due to not having a child on either side.

Other reasons to avoid IVF treatment

There are so many couples who often feel hesitant about seeking medical support regarding fertility issues. Open discussion with doctors is another barrier that prevents couples from IVF treatment. They are also ashamed of not having children because they know what others think of them, which is a major issue in society. Other reasons include a lack of knowledge, a conservative approach, and an unbearable and lengthy IVF procedure.

But taking the decision of not perusing IVF treatment won’t take away your grief of not having a child, and there is no time limit for such grief. Therefore, it is also not easy to cope with the wrong decision. In fact, it will add more emotional burden to the couple’s life. Taking expert advice would be better before going for the choices available.

Get the expert’s support at “Crysta IVF”

In today’s times, everything is available easily. There are so many well-experienced and educated fertility experts available, and it is also easy to contact them via the internet from the comfort of your home.

Crysta IVF, one of the prestigious companies, provides IVF treatment at all of their fertility centres at a reasonable cost. Free fertility treatment counseling and consultation are also available there. For more information, contact them today through the website www.crystaivf.com and book the slot.

Also Read: Is There a Difference Between Test Tube Baby and IVF?

Also Read: Precautions for women considering IVF after 40

  Verified by Crysta IVF Fertility Experts