Having a Healthy Baby is Possible Even in the 30s and 40s.
Pregnancy has recently been a concern for many as male and female infertility issues increase each day. Well, this health concern has a possible solution. Thanks to contraceptives and Advanced Reproductive Technologies allow couples to decide when they wish to start their families.
There is no denying the fact that fertility declines with an increase in age, and there are higher chances of complications, but it is possible.
Although the Best Age to Get Pregnant is during the reproductive age, i.e., women have a bank of high-quality ovarian reserve, and men have healthy sperm. However, not everyone is ready during this span to be parents.
Apart from age, parenthood shall be a decision when a couple is physically, mentally, financially, and emotionally ready.
Moreover, when you know medical procedures like IVF Treatment exist to offer you fertility freedom, you have all the flexibility to decide the Right Age to Get Pregnant.
Here, a good read of the blog can help you learn more about how to conceive at different ages and stages of your life.
Being Pregnant In Your 20s:
The 20s are undoubtedly the most favourable time to conceive. Do you know why?
Well, its because:
- During the 20s, women have ample ovarian reserve and that too high-quality eggs.
- The risk of complications for mother and child post conceiving is minimal when planning a pregnancy in your 20s.
Also, if we see societal pressure, it’s more on women to conceive at an earlier age than men. The significant reason behind the same is that the male fertility rate declines with age but is much slower than females.
Most researches or fertility & Tests For Women reveal that the odds of conceiving for a 25-year-old woman under are less than 20% within the first three months.
Special Note:
The above fact doesn’t make it mandatory to get pregnant in your early 20s, compromising your personal and professional life. If you wish to have children in the later years, you can consult your gynecologist and think about cryopreservation.
In this process, the medical professionals help you with gamete (eggs and sperm) preservation to plan your pregnancy in the later years.
In short, irrespective of gender, you can choose the Right Age to Get Pregnant yourself.
Pregnancy In the 30s:
While men are born with countless sperms, women have a confined number of eggs. With age, fewer or no quality eggs remain.
- Studies and researches show that at 32 years, the fertility in women starts to decline, and after 35, women proceed speedily towards infertility.
- After 3 months of rigorous trials, the chances of conceiving reduce to 12% in women above 35 years of age.
- There is a higher risk of miscarriages and other complications in pregnancy after 35 years of age.
Well, the late 30s are certainly not the best Age to Get Pregnant, but that does not mean that you cannot deliver a healthy baby. It might be difficult to conceive naturally, but with IVF Treatment and other suitable ART procedures, pregnancy in the early, mid, and late thirties is possible.
Special Remarks:
When you already know that you are not at your best pregnancy age, you should be conscious while trying to conceive. It is highly recommended that you must consult a fertility specialist within a year of unprotected intercourse if you are in your early thirties.
Furthermore, if you are in your mid-30s or late 30s, the right time to seek medical consultancy is within six months of trial for conceiving naturally.
Despite the negative pregnancy results, if you delay the consultation further, it might lead to infertility.
40s and Chances of Getting Pregnant:
The odds of conceiving significantly decline to 7% post 40 years of age, especially in women. Although the women in their 40s can still be pregnant and deliver a healthy baby, the fact prevails that the risks are significantly high.
- For women over 40, there might be higher chances of chromosomal abnormalities in children.
- Both the quality and quantity of eggs are significantly lower after 40, so it is certainly not the Best Age For Pregnancy, or say Natural Pregnancy.
- Getting pregnant after 40 invites a higher risk of congenital abnormalities in babies.
If you are planning pregnancy after 40, you might seek medical assistance before even trials. The couple should seek infertility tests and then proceed based on the test results.
Risks for the mother and the child both are higher when you plan pregnancy after 40 and suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity or other severe health concerns.
Special Recommendation:
If you are physically and mentally sound, even the 40s is the Right Age to Get Pregnant, but do not forget medical consultation is the key. At times, the physically fit couple can be infertile due to unrecognized reproductive health conditions.
In Vitro Fertilization has helped millions to conceive even at age above 40 years. So, plan your pregnancy with pre-pregnancy planning, and it will be a success.
Also Read: How to get pregnant naturally? Expert Fertility Tips and Tricks
Pregnancy is Possible, Irrespective of Age
Crysta IVF- The Best IVF Centre in Delhi offer tailor-made IVF Treatment plans to couples based on their age and medical conditions for higher success. If you prepare well medically, physically, financially, and emotionally before planning your pregnancy, that’s the Best Age to Get Pregnant.

Before taking any random decisions, it’s essential that you discuss with your doctor and seek their advice if you are on the right track and what can be the steps to follow when you wish to conceive in the later stages of your life.
Hope the blog could answer your queries and confusion regarding the Right Age to Get Pregnant. Stay Tuned For More Information on Pregnancy, Infertility Issues, and Infertility Treatment for Men and Women.