IVF is an assisted reproductive technology with more positives and lesser negatives. It records the higher success rate globally and is a better reproductive technology than the world ever had.
To have a better analysis of In- Vitro Fertilization treatment, we need to relate-study advantages of IVF and disadvantages of IVF with respect to the infertility conditions.
If you need a deeper insight on IVF efficiency, feel free to contact the best fertility centre in India Crysta IVF as the advantages of IVF treatment is used at their best here.
Advantages of IVF over Tubal Surgery
Tubular Blockage is a cause of infertility in women. The fallopian tube is the tubal bridge where egg and sperm meet to fertilize, and if they aren’t able to meet, it then leads to a condition known as fallopian tube blockage. Inside the tube, in-between there may be obstacles that accumulate and stuff in creating a wall that prevents fertilization, and the process thereafter.
In general, there are two ways that treat tube blocks, either surgery or a non-surgical method, whichever works out better. But if both methods fail, In-Vitro Fertilization treatment is called in.
Usually, couples who estimate lower conception chances using the surgical treatment for tubal blockage, or those who do not wish to undergo a surgical procedure, are the recipients of IVF, and they vouch on IVF than on the Tubal-Surgery.
Crysta IVF is one of the best IVF centres in Mumbai. If you are fallopian tubes blockage problem then contact us.
However, conception via IVF depends upon the factors, such as –
- Age criteria
- Dual Infertility condition (Male & Female – ovarian ageing/sperm issues)
- The severity of Tubal damage
- Condition of the fallopian tube prior to IVF treatment
- Location of the block
IVF Advantages – Other
The major advantage of IVF is, that it treats both female and male infertility conditions.
- IVF is most beneficial for women who are 35 years and above
- Less invasive
- Best when the tube damage is of high severity
- Option of leveraging conception chances
- Lower probability of abortion/miscarriage
- Options using donated eggs and/or sperm if couples have problems or have none

When fluid accumulates in the distal fallopian tube, and through & fro activities inside the tube doesn’t happen due to block, such condition is known as Hydrosalpinx.
The fluid may revert into the uterine cavity from the fallopian tube. This condition imposes the possibility of the implanted embryo getting swept off. But still, chances of conception via IVF sustains in Hydrosalpinx.
If sperm is unable to peek till the fallopian tube to fertilize with the egg, then IVF is the best option in this condition.
In in-Vitro Fertilization, sperm and eggs are placed on the petri dish near to each other to facilitate fertilization. The chances of success are high
IVF scopes Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
When both couples have a similar gene of Cystic fibrosis, the chances of an abnormal baby is a quarter percentage.
But in IVF, the option of testing the outcome is available before the real-time IVF procedure. Before the uterus implantation takes place, embryos can be genetically tested for abnormality check via the procedure of Comparative Genomic Hybridization.
IVF over Vasectomy Reversal
IVF is an advanced reproductive technology that consistently records improved outcomes when administered.
Vasectomy reversal is a male infertility condition when sperm reverses instead of ejaculating out through the urethral passage. The fertilization never happens naturally as the sperm doesn’t shoot out to hit the female egg.
Here IVF helps in achieving conception by performing fertilization in In-Vitro.
IVF in Oligospermia
To achieve normal conception, a minimum sperm quantity and quality is needed to make it to the egg. Many sperms are not potent enough to travel to the egg as many fade in-between vaginal passage. Only a few strong ones make it through. Males with low Sperm Quantity usually are advised for an IVF to facilitate fertilization.
IVF – Single and wish to have own baby
There are individuals who choose to remain single and have their own reflection. IVF makes it possible to skip the physical union for conception via IVF donor sperm and IVF Surrogacy.
IVF circumvents infertility problems
- Unexplained-Infertility
- Blocked fallopian tubes
- Facilitates and scopes to overcome hurdles of male fertility (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
- Conception Hope – Aged couples who desire to have a child
- Poly-cystic Ovary Disease PCOS/PCOD
- Effective in Endometriosis condition
- Overcomes Premature Ovarian Failure and assists birth.
The disadvantage of IVF in Tubal Blockage
The limitations of IVF need to be viewed from a different perspective.
Cost of Per IVF Cycle
Yes, it’s true that financial pour in each IVF cycle is an economical concern for couples with lesser budgets. There can be negotiations between the diagnostic centre and IVF recipient on this. But terming this aspect as a disadvantage of IVF seems over-exaggerated. You may categorize the cost per IVF cycle treatment as a factor of inconvenience.
The financial investment in IVF treatment can be met in India by covering the cost via IVF insurance. In the United States, this is the first thing that the IVF aspirant looks out first.
The American Journal of Managed care attributes an IVF conceived child with long term economic benefits which are based on the lifetime tax calculation.
The beneficial correlation is based upon the size of the tax revenue contributions from the IVF child with that of the subsidy on IVF treatment.
Multiple Birth Risk
As the success volume increases in IVF treatment, the risk factors sublime gradually. The risk of multiple births pivots on the skills of the IVF-Specialist executing IVF implants, rather than the method of conceiving.
Comparing IVF fertility treatment with other fertility treatments, IVF drawback lists negligible, and patients medical condition that restricts availing an IVF doesn’t conclude IVF to be less effective.
Disadvantages Of IVF
Over Stimulation of Hormones
Overshoot hormonal levels during the process of stimulating ovaries to enhance conception. This condition is known as OHSS when fluid oozes out of the body as the hormone injection swell-up the ovaries.
But this is not a mandated condition that happens to every female IVF aspirant, it depends upon the body’s ability to withstand and react to artificial ovary stimulation.
The below drawbacks of ART clinics, but doesn’t corner IVF as a disadvantageous fertility treatment –
- Clinical Insufficiency
- Inexperienced IVF Specialists
- Below standard Infrastructure and Equipment
- Non trained staffs
The above lists are non-compliant parameters of the fertility clinics and bear no relativity with the quality of IVF treatment.
Advantages of IVF are in abundance and couples looking for the best IVF centre in Mumbai can contact Crysta IVF Fertility Centre as they have the best IVF Doctors.
Traditional fertility-boosting methods and conventional fertility enhancements procedures are superseded by IVF. In-Vitro Fertilization is the most popular fertility treatment practised across the world, whether IVF is conducted in one of the best IVF centres in Mumbai, or in any of the best IVF hospitals worldwide, treatment methods don’t change, hands performing it changes.