We celebrate World Heart Day every year on September 29, but do we really care for our hearts?
Human life revolves around the heart and the mind, and it’s essential to take care of them, even more than any other body parts.
Now, if you think about how even Infertility Treatment and a Healthy Heart are connected? So, hold on.
A healthy and happy heart is essential for every possible thing you conduct throughout your lifespan.
It might surprise you, but heart health and fertility treatment go hand in hand. Let’s check out how?
Relation Between Heart Health and Infertility Treatment:
The relationship between heart health and infertility treatment is mysterious! It remains so, as we reveal further.
Infertility Treatment calls for overall health scans. If there is any risk to your heart, it gets revealed while you plan your infertility treatment.
IVF Treatment and Men’s Heart Health:
Myths say that men undergoing Infertility Treatment might be at higher risk of cardiovascular disease, but the researches and facts convey differently.
Fact About Men with Infertility and Their Heart Health:
Men suffering from infertility often have fluctuated hormones, greater risk of diabetes, higher cholesterol levels, STI’s and, not to forget, chances of being hit by heart diseases.
Herein, Infertility Treatment acts as the canary in the coal mine of all the health risks.
Especially the men who indulge in substance abuse like drugs, alcohol, smoking, and more, along with infertility, are at more profound risk of developing a heart disorder.
This World Heart Day 2022, is all about spreading awareness of heart health, and doing your part to take care of your heart.
So, do not forget to ensure a healthy heart, because staying healthy is more essential for to be parents.
Now, the question might arise, are only men who have infertility at risk of heart disorders?
Well, No!
Even women with infertility are at a risk of getting impacted by cardiovascular disorders.
Let’s understand how?
Infertility Affects Heart Health in Women- Know How?
One of the most significant causes of infertility in women is PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), and PCOS adversely impacts women’s health.
A woman with PCOS might suffer:
- Ovulation Problems
- Fluctuated Menstrual Cycles
- Hairfall and Hair Loss
- Insulin and Acne Issues
- Higher Cholesterol
- High Blood Pressure
- Anxiety, Depression, and several others
Now, if these are left untreated for the long term can impact both Heart Health and Mental Health.
On the other hand, if you get it treated on time along with infertility, you can bid bye to any risk on different parts of the body, including the heart.
Suppose you find any signs and symptoms of PCOS. In that case, the best way out is to connect with the gynecologist and IVF specialists to get rid of the primary health issues developing secondary health risks of heart diseases.
If You have Infertility and Wish to Take Care of Your Heart for the Long Term, We Got You Covered. Please Continue With The Good Read of The Blog.
Tips to Take Care of Your Heart For Long-Term Despite Infertility:
Heart Health is essential, and your heart needs a checkup whether or not you have infertility. To maintain your heart health in the long run, follow the tips below.

Maintain a Healthy Heart Diet:
Junk food is one of the primary causes of both infertility and heart diseases too. So, to avoid heart disorders, following a healthy heart diet is highly recommended. Ensure you consume a low-carb, low GI, low sugar, high fiber, and high protein diet.
Exercise to Say No to Heart Risk:
Managing a healthy weight is essential when you are trying to conceive through IVF Treatment when you have infertility issues. For which you must make exercise a daily habit. With all the work-life disbalance and no exercise routine, the chances of heart disease become all-time high.
No Drugs, Smoking, or Alcohol:
While it might sound too cool to adhere to a lifestyle that includes smoking, drinking, and drugging habits, it is not too cool for your health. It might worsen your heart health and push you closer to fatal diseases. Specifically, when you are seeking infertility treatment, say No to lifestyle habits that not only reduce the chances of pregnancy but also develop other disorders.
Manage Stress:
Stress impacts reproductive health, mental health, physical health, and heart health, leading to life-threatening heart attacks. So, the best way to keep your heart healthy is to keep your heart happy. Stay away from stress, practice meditation, and your hobbies that repress depression to spread positivity.
Say Hi To Your Doctor:
With the advancement in medical science, it’s possible to bid bye to all heart risks with proper consultation and treatment at the right time. There exist severe and uncontrollable health complications because of undiagnosed health risks or ignorance.
This World Heart Day, Crysta IVF requests all aspiring parents to get in touch with the doctors and welcome healthy heartbeats before they welcome their babies into their families.
Heart Health is Important For Infertility Treatment & Forever…
Maintaining a healthy heart and a healthy body is not a one-day task you can gulp in like medicine. It’s a lifestyle and a habit!
If there are other complications like high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, or any other health disorder for that matter, the doctors first focus on managing those issues before starting the IVF Treatment.
It not only delays your treatment, but the chances of IVF success also reduce with the increased health complications.
So, Befriend with a Healthy Heart and Body on this World Heart Day.
Hope you got complete insights into how heart health is vital for Infertility Treatment. For further details on infertility issues or treatment, stay tuned and get in touch with our IVF specialists for personalized counseling on 8938935353