Top Reasons Why IUI Fails: What’s Your Next Step

reasons why iui fails

What should be the next step for couples after their Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) treatment fails? There’s no question that such situations are heartbreaking and can lead to hopelessness. Couples need to understand the reason behind IUI’s failure. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that involves placing the sperm directly into the uterus. This helps the sperm to fuse with the egg directly, increasing the chances of fertilization. Want to learn more about IUI? Read on.

IUI is minimally invasive and more affordable compared to IVF, but still, it does not guarantee success. Understanding the intricacies of IUI and why it can fail can be informative and help couples make the right decision regarding pregnancy. 

Learning the “Why Not” before the “Why”

Even though IUI does not guarantee complete success for pregnancy, boasting a rate of confirmed pregnancy ranging from 10 to 20%, it is still a beacon of hope for many couples struggling to conceive. Add on the point of affordability, “why not” should a couple choose IUI as their alternative method for conception? It is crucial to remember that each cycle is a chance, and understanding the factors influencing success can maximize those chances.

Reasons for IUI Failure: Factors affecting the chances of conception through IUI 

If you chose IUI as an alternative method for conceiving and it failed, do not conclude any judgment as a definite reason for it. The human reproduction system is complicated as it is; therefore, learning the reason why IUI fails is second to none. Below are the causes of IUI failure:

  • Age: Unfortunately, the age factor plays a major role in pregnancy success. As women age, their fertility drops down. The egg quality and quantity decline with age, decreasing the chances of successful IUI, especially after 35. If you, as a woman, are also struggling with a similar problem, you must visit Crysta IVF; our doctors will help you ease down and make you comfortable enough so you can communicate freely about your age-related factors. It will help our doctors to create the best fertility treatment for you.
  • Ovulation Issue: Precision is the key here. For IUI to work perfectly, your ovulation timing should be right on the clock. Irregular or lack of ovulation throws a curve ball to the process of fertilization through IUI. To increase the chances of IUI, fertility medications or ovulation trackers can help pinpoint the fertile window and improve IUI’s chances of success.
  • Reproductive Health Conditions: Sometimes, conditions like endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or fibroids can create an unfavorable environment for conception. Addressing these conditions before starting with IUI treatment is crucial, and Crysta IVF can help you with it. Our doctors value your money, time, and the courage it took for you to choose IUI. We can help carve out the perfect treatment plan for treating these conditions before proceeding with IUI. 
  • Sperm Quality: Male infertility plays a significant role in IUI outcomes. Low sperm count, poor motility or sperm movement, or abnormal morphology (shape) can hinder the sperm’s ability to reach and fertilize the egg. Proper sperm analysis and potential sperm preparation techniques can improve the quality and increase the chances of success.
  • Previous Failed Attempts: Let’s say you chose IUI as your alternative method for conception but are securing repeated failed pregnancies. But do not worry or lose hope. Even though each IUI cycle is like a fresh opportunity, these failed attempts will help the doctors to analyze and identify the potential causes and adjust the treatment plan to optimize your chances for future IUI treatments. 

Symptoms of IUI Failure

There are several signs that an IUI is unsuccessful, including:

  • Menstruation: The onset of menstruation is one of the main indicators that an IUI cycle has not resulted in pregnancy. You are not pregnant if you are having a regular menstrual cycle.
  • Negative Pregnancy Test: If a blood test or a home pregnancy test yields a negative result, the IUI was not successful in bringing about pregnancy.
  • Absence of Pregnancy Symptoms: If a woman is not pregnant, it is unlikely that she will exhibit early pregnancy symptoms. Some symptoms include breast tenderness, nausea, exhaustion, and heightened sensitivity to smells.
  • Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Remains the Same: If the BBT does not rise steadily, it might be a sign that the IUI cycle was unsuccessful in producing a pregnancy.
  • No Change in Cervical Mucus: A failed IUI may be the cause if no change in cervical mucus is consistent with early pregnancy.

Also Read: Keys to a Successful IUI: Tips to Boost Your Fertility

Other Silent Reasons for IUI Failures

Unknown Infertility – In some cases, even after all efforts, careful analysis, and without any apparent reason, IUI treatment fails. This can result in extreme frustration and disheartening couples. But it is important to remember that medical science is regularly evolving, with new diagnostic tools emerging. The smart thing to do is stay informed and open to exploring alternative options. 

Undiagnosed Conditions – Sometimes, there are certain medical conditions underlying within, like pelvic adhesions and uterine fibroids that have gone undetected. These conditions can hamper fertilization, rendering IUI unsuccessful. Therefore, seeking medical evaluation and exploring advanced diagnostic tests is crucial. 

What are the factors determining higher chances of IUI success?

As mentioned in this article and countless others, the human reproductive system is more complex than you can imagine. A lot goes into making a successful conception. Read further to learn about these factors that can increase your chances of fertilization.

  • Insemination Timing: Knowing the exact timing of ovulation is crucial for the success of IUI. Monitoring via ultrasound and hormonal tests can help determine the right moment for placing the sperm, ensuring that the sperm meets the egg at the peak of its receptivity. 
  • Sperm Preparation Technique: Men who want to become fathers must know that their old sperm is of no use for fertilization. When choosing IUI, preparing the sperm for the journey is very important. Techniques like washing and concentrating the sperm can enhance their motility and vitality. This will increase their chances of reaching the fallopian tubes, merging with the egg, and successfully fertilizing. 
  • Ovarian Stimulation: As women age, their ovarian reserve starts decreasing. The dip in the quality and quantity of eggs doesn’t need to happen over age. Sometimes, it can happen for other reasons like lifestyle and environment. In either case, medications stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, potentially increasing the chances of successful fertilization. However, overstimulation can be detrimental, so careful monitoring and individualization of the medication regimen are essential.
  • Quality of Sperm Wash: Just because your tank is full does not mean it is fertile. We’ll be open with you: old sperms carry a lot of debris and seminal fluid components that could hinder fertilization. Thus, proper sperm-washing techniques ensure that none of these hamper fertilization or cause an inflammatory response in the uterus.  
  • Clinic Expertise and Protocols: Crysta IVF is the leading fertility center where experienced professionals are available for you. We follow the right protocol for IUI so you can experience parenthood without any hindrance. Our doctors and embryologists are experts in sperm handling, insemination techniques, and monitoring procedures, which can significantly increase your chances of conceiving.

What To Do Next After IUI Failure?

It’s a human thing when couples put their hopes on IUI and other fertility treatments. But sometimes, the results are not promising and often lead to failure. 

  • Revise the treatment plan: It’s important to remember that the first thing you must do if your IUI treatment fails is to revisit your doctor and run through your treatment plans. The doctor will analyze your previous pregnancy cycles, identify potential setbacks, and suggest adjustments like changing the medication or doses. The doctor may also choose a different sperm preparation technique or modify the timing of insemination. 
  • Consider Other Options: Although IUI treatment has numerous advantages, it is not the only treatment available in your arsenal. Depending on the identified cause of failure, your doctor may suggest other fertility treatments like IVF. It has a higher success rate for couples with severe male infertility or age-related concerns.
  • Emotional and Psychological Support: At Crysta IVF, we know your hopes will always be high when experiencing parenthood. But battling IUI failure can take its toll on your psychological and mental conditions. It can lead to sadness, anger, irritation, and isolation. It’s precisely this time when couples should seek support groups and therapy to deal with the situation properly. You may find other couples who have had a similar experience and could provide you with some valuable insights to deal with the problem and not lose hope. 

Crysta IVF, the best fertility Centre in Delhi, empowers couples to make informed decisions. Our doctors, with more than ten years of experience in the industry, help couples gain all the information they need to make regarding their parenthood. While the journey may be challenging, remember there is always a way. Each IUI cycle is another opportunity for parenthood. As Nelson Mandela once said, “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” To book a consultation with the right guidance, visit us at or call 8938935353.

Verified by Crysta IVF Doctor

Kirti Saxena

Kirti Saxena has specialization in sharing credible and well-researched content related to healthcare services for more than 5 years. She is passionate about writing and disseminating health tips and knowledge for betterment of health to individuals and communities. She is experienced in writing health blogs, website content about detailing the health issues & ways to address them, and well-researched content for magazines to educate readers. She is also committed to staying updated on the latest developments in the medical field.

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