The Unspoken Truth of Male Infertility!

the unspoken truth of male infertility!


The society we live in today is very different from the times when women were blamed for everything. Well, that doesn’t mean stereotypes don’t hit the thought process of people who are living in this society; It still does. 

Here, we are talking about male infertility!! 

To our surprise, there are several people, in fact, countless ones, who aren’t ready to accept that not having a child is not only a woman’s fault. 

The saddest part is, it’s our FAULT!

 No one wants to understand in the first place that infertility is just like any other health condition that demands proper treatment and medications.


Male infertility is never discussed for the obvious reasons of the Male Dominating Society. 

 The Unspoken Truth of male infertility requires serious attention, and we need more open-mindedness to be taken as a health problem only. Manhood has always been a sexual heirloom, but these labels are far from the truth. 

What is male infertility?

Male infertility refers to an inability to conceive a child even after trying for more than a year without using any protection. Nowadays, the problem of infertility in males is increasing at a rapid rate. The percentage is primarily from the urban areas as people are leading a life that is not only unhealthy but also filled with stress.

As per the studies, one in seven couples is infertile, out of which around 45% are males. One exciting study suggests that many infertility cases are noticed in males belonging to the age group of 29-35 years.

Signs of Male Infertility

The primary sign of men’s infertility is not able to conceive a baby. Although underlying issues like hormonal imbalance, dilated veins, inherited disorders, etc., lead to male infertility. Here are some of the signs that you shouldn’t overlook when it comes to male infertility:

  • Issues with sexual functionalities, for instance, problems in ejaculation or less amount of ejaculated fluid
  • If a man cannot maintain an erection during sexual intercourse, it is a sign of infertility called erectile dysfunction.
  • When a male observes any sign of pain, lumps, or swelling in the testicle part, it indicates infertility and shouldn’t be ignored.
  • If there are any constant indications of recurrent respiratory infections, it is recommended not to overlook this.
  • When a male is over 45 years of age, it is recommended to check for fertility to avert any probability of infertility problems.
  • When a diagnosis of sperm count is lower than usual, one must understand that this is a sign of infertility.

Causes of male infertility

Several environmental and biological factors can lead to impacting fertility. Here are the possibilities:

  • Azoospermia is a condition associated with the inefficiency of producing sperm cells. It is one main reason for infertility among men.
  • Oligospermia is another cause of male infertility. It is related to the issue of producing poor-quality sperm.
  • Genetic diseases also can be the reason for male infertility like Klinefelter’s syndrome, microdeletion, etc.
  • Sperm that doesn’t have the efficiency of fertilizing the egg hence becomes the reason for infertility in men.
  • There are certain clinical medications such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, cystic fibrosis, and infections causing male infertility.
  • Varicoceles is a condition where the veins on your testicles are more prominent than usual, leading to overheating and influencing the sperm and number.
  • Cancer treatments are also the cause of male infertility as it involves treatment such as chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation.
  • Unhealthy habits like heavy alcohol use, illegal drugs, and smoking can cause the issue of male infertility.
  • Hormonal disorders also are there as it affects the pituitary glands and hypothalamus.

Diagnosis of male infertility

The diagnosis of male infertility plays a crucial role in considering male infertility treatment. Here is how men’s infertility is identified:

  • Usually, the doctor first asks about the family and medical history to know more about reproductive health. It assists the doctor in understanding the requirement of the patient when it comes to offering the medications and treatment. They will also ask you about sexual activity to gain more insights.
  • Semen analysis is the next step which involves submitting the sample of semen in a container for analysis. It is sent to the lab to identify the sperm, and as per the reports doctor will choose the needed treatment to treat the infertility issue.
  • Ultrasound is also initiated to identify issues in the testicles or ducts in the sperms.
  • Hormonal testing is also another step of diagnosis to identify the hormones’ issues with appropriate lifestyle, medication, alterations, and diet.
  • Post-ejaculation urinalysis is also one of the steps for infertility treatment as it helps the doctor confirm the sperm’s presence.


Firstly, understand that male infertility is not always preventable. Although, you can include taking some precautions to reduce the probability of male infertility, such as:

  • Ensure abstaining and limiting yourself from alcohol.
  • Stay away from illicit drugs.
  • Make sure to maintain a healthy weight when trying for conception.
  • Stress is your enemy in terms of fertility, so stay away from this.
  • Avert exposures to pesticides, toxins, and metals.
  • Ensure not to get a vasectomy.


Several treatments are there apart from surgery, and doctors always ensure to offer the treatment according to the patient’s requirement. Here are some treatments for male infertility:

  • Hormonal treatment is among the most used infertility treatments, and doctors suggest medications. It helps restore the hormonal imbalance when an individual suffers from the lack of production or overproduction of sperms.
  • Surgery is recommended to the patients when there is no option left, and medications or therapies aren’t working. It involves cases where there is a blockage and requires surgery only.
  • There are medications recommended by the doctor that help restore fertility among males.
  • Lastly, assisted reproductive technology is often recommended when natural conception is not an option. Doctors often suggest options like IVF and IUI to treat the issue. Usually, the treatment is often according to the needs of the patients.
  • Changes in lifestyle and diet are also beneficial in enhancing fertility among men. It is crucial to get into a healthy lifestyle and healthy dietary habits to benefit you, enhancing sperm quality and improving fertility.

Pointers about male infertility

  • Male infertility is associated with not having the ability to achieve pregnancy with a woman partner.
  • This health condition can have many reasons. It may involve not being able to produce sperm or healthy sperm. There can be an issue of genital tract blockage in the reproductive organ of a male body.
  • Male infertility also inculcates genital infections, testicles injury, and late or early puberty.
  • Treatment relies on what leads to infertility. The treatment options are medicines, surgery, and artificial insemination.

Tips to get the most out of your infertility doctor

  • Understand the reason for the visit and what you are looking for.
  • Ensure identifying your questions before visiting.
  • Take someone with you to help you when dealing with uncomfortable questions.
  • Understand the doctor’s recommended diagnosis, treatments, medications, and tests. Ensure writing down the instructions your doctor offers you.
  • Comprehend why the medicine is given to you and how it will assist you in treating infertility.
  • Make sure to note down the follow-up appointments, date, time, and visit purpose.

Final thoughts

Male infertility is a topic that has never been taken seriously. Females are always blamed for their inability to conceive or have a baby because men can never have infertility issues in the eyes of our society. But it is high time we change not only because women are blamed, but for the reason that males also experience negative emotions when they are experiencing such health problems. The worst part is that they cannot share it with anybody because all the questions will be raised about their manhood. So, they choose a path of bearing the pain themselves.

Let’s change all this and bring a breakthrough in society whenever infertility is discussed. People should talk about it like any other normal conversation and like any other health condition, and this can only happen when we are aware of the information. This write-up involves everything about male infertility and its treatment, including everything one should know. Hope it will help in gaining a better understanding and making the change.

Further, if you are looking for assistance, then reach out to Crysta IVF, offering services in the infertility industry for years and helps couples achieve parenthood. We have a team of infertility specialists offering their assistance throughout the journey. Reach us now, and we will make everything smooth for you.