What are the positive signs to look after an embryo transfer?

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Bringing new life into the world is an extraordinary journey full of too many ups and downs. However, assisted reproductive technologies like In-vitro fertilization offer hope and the possibility of parenthood for couples struggling with infertility. The journey is not easy; it requires a lot of patience and can be exciting and nerve-wracking. One of the most crucial phases of this journey is embryo transfer. While the two-week wait post-embryo can seem like an eternity, there are several positive signs after embryo transfer to keep an eye out for that lead to a successful outcome.

Though it is understandable that you eagerly want to know your IVF results and are looking out for positive signs of embryo transfer, it is also essential to determine how embryo transfer is processed to reach a comprehensive conclusion. So let’s get started! 

How is the Embryo Transfer Done? 

The embryo transfer process begins with the speculum insertion into the vagina. This medical device allows your doctor to monitor your vagina and cervix while keeping the vaginal walls open. Utilizing the speculum, an IVF doctor will employ a long, thin catheter that passes through the cervix into the uterus. This catheter will transfer the embryos along with some fluids. The procedure is guided by ultrasound to ensure precision and success.

During the embryo transfer procedure, you might experience mild discomfort due to the presence of the speculum or your full bladder (required for the ultrasound). If you have concerns about potential discomfort from the speculum, it’s important to discuss them with your doctor. For some women, the sensation might be reminiscent of a pap smear or a pelvic exam, and the procedure is usually completed within a few minutes.

When the positive signs after embryo transfer appear, you can take a pregnancy test without any doubts. To recognize these symptoms closely, let’s analyze the positive signals after embryo transfer in detail.

Positive Signs To Look For After An Embryo Transfer 

Implantation Bleeding 

Some women may experience light spotting or bleeding around six to ten days after the embryo transfer; this situation is implantation bleeding. The reason behind its occurrence is the embryo’s attachment to the uterine lining. While not all women experience this, for some, it can appear as one of the positive signs after embryo transfer, indicating that implantation has occurred.

Mild Cramping 

Following the implantation bleeding, it is normal to experience gentle uterine cramps as the embryo gradually establishes itself within your uterus. Typically, these cramps are mild and distinguishable from menstrual cramps. These sensations could signify positive signs after embryo transfer. 

Breast Tenderness 

Watch out for sore or enlarged breasts! This might be one of the positive signs of embryo transfer. Breast Tenderness typically results in early pregnancy/ Although some women also have cyclical breast pain due to frequent changes in their hormone levels during the menstrual cycles. Moreover, it could also be due to Injections taken during the IVF process (to increase estrogen hormone). 

Missed Period 

One of the most common and obvious positive signs after embryo transfer is a missed period. After conception, your body produces a hormone that obstructs ovulation and the shedding of your uterus lining. This indicates that your menstrual cycle has stopped, and you won’t have a period again after you give birth to your baby. However, a missed period is not always a sign of pregnancy; sometimes, you can also miss your period due to stress, poor diet, hormone imbalance, excessive exercise, or hormonal imbalances.

Tiredness and Fatigue 

Many women experience Tiredness and fatigue early in their pregnancy, which can start from day one, thanks to elevated progesterone levels. Though fatigue can result from various factors, in most cases, sudden fatigue indicates a positive sign of embryo transfer. If you have found yourself lazy and getting tired more easily while doing household chores, it might be one of the positive signs after embryo transfer.

Nausea and vomiting 

While it might not be the most enjoyable experience, nausea could signify a positive sign after embryo transfer. This uncertainty arises due to the influence of pregnancy hormones on your body. It’s important to differentiate this from the typical nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy, typically occurring around four to six weeks into pregnancy.


Experiencing a sensation of bloating in your lower abdomen, which is as equal to your premenstrual phase. This might be an encouraging sign as the effect is due to the rise in progesterone levels during early pregnancy.

However, it’s essential to be vigilant about any bloating, especially if it’s accompanied by discomfort. While it’s uncommon and improbable, the combination of these symptoms could indicate ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). OHSS is a potentially serious condition triggered by excess hormones from injectable fertility medications, resulting in ovarian swelling. It’s worth noting that severe OHSS only impacts a small percentage (0.5% to 5%) of IVF patients. Should you suspect OHSS, seek medical attention and consult your fertility expert. 

Increased Vaginal Discharge  

An increase in vaginal discharge following implantation might be one of the positive signs after embryo transfer. Generally, this vaginal discharge is more common in early pregnancy. The excess vaginal discharge helps prevent infections from traveling from the vagina into the uterus. Usually, healthy vaginal discharge appears thin, clear, or milky white and has a mild smell. If you have any concerns about the unusual discharge, consult your doctor.

In certain circumstances, it is seen that many women have not experienced any signs after embryo transfer. Is it trouble for them? Should they be worried about it and consult their fertility doctor? 

Is it normal to have no signs after embryo transfer?

You do not have to lose hope if you have not yet experienced the positive signs after embryo transfer. Research says it is possible to have no symptoms after an embryo transfer and still be pregnant. As most women do not have noticeable signs of a successful embryo transfer, this does not indicate that you are not pregnant.

So, how will you find out if you are pregnant or not? Especially when you do not experience any symptoms of embryo implantation? The answer is simple; you must only take a pregnancy test and consult your doctor. 

When to take a pregnancy test after an embryo transfer? 

You need to wait at least two weeks before taking a pregnancy test following the embryo transfer. However, it is best to consult your fertility doctor and follow their guidance. 

A pregnancy test examines Human Chronic Gonadotropin ( a hormone produced only in pregnancy). After embryo implantation, the HCG hormone starts to appear more and more, so it takes time for an HCG hormone to appear in a pregnancy test. Due to this condition, a pregnancy test is recommended around two weeks as testing too early may lead to a negative result. 

Also, read – https://crystaivf.com/blogs/when-should-you-take-a-pregnancy-test/

Remember that every woman’s body is unique, and experiences vary widely. While these signs can offer hope and optimism, the only surefire way to confirm pregnancy is through a blood test or ultrasound administered by a fertility specialist. The two-week wait can be challenging, but staying positive and seeking support from your medical team, loved ones, and the best IVF clinic in Patna can help you navigate this crucial phase with optimism and patience. So, don’t worry about your IVF journey; your path to parenthood is about to start!

Verified by Crysta IVF Doctor

Shivangi Prajapati

Shivangi Prajapati, a writer by profession and passion, has expertise in the healthcare industry. With her extensive research into medical advances, she loves breaking down complex health information, making it easier for people to understand the recent trends in clinical and medical realities. Her dedication to providing trustworthy, relevant, and usable information helps people take good care of their health.

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