High Estrogen in Men: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

high estrogen in men

For those wondering what’s the importance of hormones, they are the body’s governors. They oversee growth, metabolism, mood, and reproduction. They are the body’s engine oil, ensuring each body part functions properly and in sync. 

Estrogen, commonly found in women, is also found in men. The estrogen level in men is far lower than it is in women. But, in some cases, the estrogen levels in men shoot up. When it does, it creates problems both physically and mentally, even affecting man’s psychology. It is crucial to understand the complexities of increased estrogen levels in men to diagnose better and implement effective management.

Role of Estrogen in Men:

Estrogen is primarily formed inside men’s testicles. A balanced level of estrogen in men has some important functions to deliver on, such as:

  • Bone Health: It helps maintain bone density and prevents osteoporosis (a condition where bones start to brittle). Estrogen ensures that there is an optimum level of calcium for the bones to function properly. 
  • Libido & sexual function: It plays a vital role in regulating sexual desires and erection. It helps in engaging in sexual activities and ensures basic satisfaction in a couple’s sex life. 
  • Sperm production: It keeps other hormones in check, ensuring proper balance for sperm production, maintaining quality and quantity. It also ensures that other hormones do not interfere with sperm production.
  • Mood & cognitive function: It helps regulate mood and cognitive function in men. Proper hormone levels help with emotional well-being, focus, memory, and overall mental health.

High Estrogen in Men Symptoms:

The symptoms of high estrogen levels in males depend on the severity of the condition. Some common symptoms include: 

  • Breast Enlargement (gynecomastia): One of the effects of estrogen on the male body is the growth of breast tissue, leading to breast formation in men. It can happen on both sides or one. This condition is called gynecomastia. It causes discomfort for some but issues with self-consciousness for everyone. 
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Elevated levels of estrogen can disrupt the hormonal balance required for proper sexual function. The increase in this hormone can affect the ability to achieve and maintain an erection, impacting one’s sexual life, performance, and condition. 
  • Reduced libido: Higher levels of estrogen can lower male sex drive. This can cause disinterest or reduce the desire to engage in sexual activity. It can hamper relationships, leading to conflicts and overall dissatisfaction. 
  • Infertility: The hormone levels must always be maintained as per their levels. An increase in one hormone can cause a chain reaction disrupting other hormones. Higher levels of estrogen can impact sperm production, leading to the inability to conceive.
male infertility
  • Mood changes: Increasing estrogen in men can alter mood or emotional response. It can make men highly irritable, constant sadness or even depression, and increase fatigue, impacting daily lives.
  • Body Composition Changes: Higher estrogen count can increase fat deposits in the body, particularly in the chest and abdomen. This change in estrogen can alter physical appearance and pose health risks due to increased fat deposits.
  • Lack of Muscle Mass: Higher estrogen levels hamper the production of testosterone. This impacts muscle development in men. The decline in muscle mass can lead to reduced strength and endurance, affecting overall physical performance and vitality. 

What Causes High Estrogen in Men?

If you have a higher level of estrogen count, it’s not wise to self-medicate as it can worsen the problem. The correct first step is to consult a doctor to guide you and identify the reason for the increase in estrogen. Some possible reasons that have been associated with an increase in estrogen levels are: 

  • Medications: Certain medications like anabolic steroids for muscle growth or some antibiotics can trigger estrogen increase. Spironolactone, a medication used for heart and blood pressure conditions, can increase estrogen count in men.
  • Chronic Disease: Conditions like liver disease, kidney disorder, and thyroid problems can impact the body’s capability to regulate hormone production. An increase in estrogen levels due to chronic issues can lead to compromised overall health. 
  • Obesity: Lack of proper diet, no exercise, lack of sleep, and consumption of heavy and fat food can lead to obesity, which, in turn, can increase estrogen count in men. The excess adipose tissues contribute to unbalanced hormone levels.
  • Alcohol consumption: Regular and unregulated consumption of alcohol can deregulate hormone production, causing an elevation of estrogen levels. The disbalance can be due to the impact of alcohol on the liver, which may cause issues with hormone levels.
  • Testicular Disorder: Conditions like Klinefelter Syndrome, where males have an extra set of X chromosomes, can disrupt the normal production of hormones and can increase estrogen. 
  • Aromatase Enzyme Deficiency: Although rare, it’s a condition in men where the testosterone produced in men is converted into estrogen due to an overactive aromatase enzyme. This shoots up the estrogen levels in men. 

Diagnosis & Treatment:

If you are someone with higher estrogen levels, the first thing to do is consult your doctor. Doctors will know your hormone levels and condition after conducting a thorough physical examination, learning about your medical history, and ordering blood tests. 

The treatment of higher estrogen heavily depends on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Common treatments for countering high estrogen count are:

  • Lifestyle Modification: Habits like adequate sleep, a healthy diet of all the right nutrients, and regular exercise can help manage estrogen levels in men. Limiting alcohol intake, quitting smoking, and avoiding oily or junk food can aid in reducing estrogen production in the system, promoting a healthy life.
  • Medications: In some cases, doctors may suggest anti-estrogens or aromatase inhibitors. These medications either block the effects of estrogen or reduce its production, bringing balance to the hormonal system. 
  • Surgery: In certain rare cases, estrogen levels go up due to specific conditions like testicular tumors. In such scenarios, surgery is recommended. Removal of tumors or identifying the underlying issue can help find a solution to bring estrogen levels back to normal. 
  • Supporting Fertility: An increase in estrogen hampers testosterone production, which, in some cases, leads to low sperm count. Couples who suffer from this have difficulty becoming parents. For men in such a situation, there are other alternatives like Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) or In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). 

Finding the right kind of support:

It is challenging to live with high estrogen for men. Still, it is important to remember that with proper diagnosis, treatment, and sometimes, with the assistance of reproductive technology, men with high estrogen can successfully manage their condition and achieve fatherhood. 

Living with High Estrogen: 

High estrogen and dealing with the problems is a daunting task. But with the help of various resources and support groups where other people’ve been through the same situation, it becomes easy to navigate the problem. 

If you’re also struggling with high estrogen and it’s impacting your fertility, Crysta IVF – the best IVF clinic in Delhi is the place to visit. Our team of experienced fertility specialists and doctors understand the unique challenges faced by men with high estrogen levels. We offer comprehensive diagnostic services, personalized treatment plans, and access to advanced reproductive technologies to help you overcome these challenges. Visit us at https://crystaivf.com/ and book an appointment. We’re there for you the whole way.

  Verified by Crysta IVF Fertility Experts

Also Read:

High Estrogen in Women: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Understanding Your Reproductive System

9 Ways to Boost Male Fertility and Increase Sperm Count


Milan Mahapatra

Milan is an enthusiastic content strategist and storyteller with attention to detail. As a Lead Content Writer for Crysta IVF, he creates engaging stories that enlighten and motivate patients as they prepare for fatherhood. Having a thorough awareness of the fertility environment, Milan uses his writing abilities to empower and inform those considering treatment. He is committed to providing factual, engaging, and interesting content that speaks to the audience of Crysta IVF.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Chantal Burhop

    To the crystaivf.com admin, Thanks for the informative and well-written post!

    1. Crysta IVF

      Thank you. Glad you found this blog post helpful. Stay tuned for more informative blogs.

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