Asthenozoospermia (Low Sperm Motility): Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Asthenozoospermia causes symptoms treatment

The journey to parenthood can be complex, especially for couples facing male infertility. Asthenozoospermia, a condition affecting sperm motility, presents a significant challenge on this path. By comprehending its causes, symptoms, and available treatments, individuals can equip themselves with the knowledge to navigate this hurdle and strive toward building a family.

Asthenozoospermia Meaning: When Sperm Struggle to Swim

Imagine microscopic Olympic racers, sperm, propelled by their whip-like tails, desperately trying to reach the finish line – an egg waiting patiently at the other end. In asthenozoospermia, these racers’ engines sputter, their movements sluggish, and their journey significantly hampered. This translates to a reduced ability to fertilize the egg, making conception more challenging.

Severe asthenozoospermia:

Asthenozoospermia isn’t a black-and-white condition; it exists on a spectrum of sluggishness:

  • Mild asthenozoospermia: Less than 40% of these tiny athletes reach the finish line with adequate vigor.
  • Moderate Asthenozoospermia: Only 25-39% demonstrate the necessary swimming skills.
  • Severe Asthenozoospermia: A mere 10-24% possess the swimming prowess needed for Olympic glory (fertilization).

Terato Asthenozoospermia: A Double Whammy for Sperm

Sometimes, the situation gets even more complex. Enter terato asthenozoospermia, where not only is their movement compromised, but their very shape is distorted, further hindering their journey. This double whammy throws an even bigger hurdle in the path of fertilization.

Asthenozoospermia Causes: Why Sperm Turn Sluggish

A multitude of factors can contribute to this slowdown:

  • Genetic Traits: Inherited conditions or chromosomal abnormalities can disrupt sperm development and functionality.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Imbalanced hormones, like low testosterone or thyroid dysfunction, can impact sperm production and movement.
  • Varicocele: Enlarged veins in the scrotum elevate testicular temperature, creating a sauna-like environment detrimental to sperm health and motility.
  • Infections: Genital infections, including sexually transmitted infections, can damage sperm and impair their movement.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, stress, and obesity can negatively impact sperm health and motility.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, like cystic fibrosis or autoimmune diseases, can affect sperm motility.
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Asthenozoospermia Symptoms

Asthenozoospermia often lurks silently, a hidden thief stealing chances of conception. This is why couples trying to conceive should consider a semen analysis, a simple test that sheds light on sperm count, shape, and movement, revealing any potential issues before disappointment sets in.

Treatment of Asthenozoospermia 

The key to tackling asthenozoospermia lies in identifying its root cause and then deploying the appropriate weapon:

  • Lifestyle Tweaks: Embracing a healthier lifestyle can be a game-changer. Quitting smoking, moderating alcohol, adopting a balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and exercising regularly can significantly improve sperm health and motility.
  • Hormonal Help: For hormonal imbalances, hormone replacement therapy can bridge the gap, optimising sperm production and movement.
  • Surgical Solutions: In cases of varicocele, surgery to repair the enlarged veins can create a cooler environment for sperm, paving the way for improved health and motility.
  • Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART): When natural conception seems too steep a climb, ART techniques like IUI (intrauterine insemination), IVF (in vitro fertilization), or ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) offer a helping hand. These techniques bypass the motility issue, directly introducing sperm to the egg, opening doors to conception even when sperm swim with less enthusiasm.

Fueling the Engines: Nourishing Sperm for Better Motility

Remember, what you eat affects every aspect of your body, including your sperm.

A balanced diet rich in

  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • whole grains
  • lean protein
  • healthy fats

Provides the essential nutrients for optimal sperm production and movement. Certain vitamins and antioxidants, like zinc, folic acid, vitamin E, and vitamin C, are particularly beneficial, acting as fuel for these microscopic sperm cells.

Embracing Hope: Building a Family Despite Asthenozoospermia

With proper diagnosis and a tailored treatment plan, asthenozoospermia doesn’t have to be a permanent roadblock on the path to parenthood. Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Seeking Support: Navigating fertility challenges can be emotionally overwhelming. Joining support groups or communities specifically for couples facing asthenozoospermia can provide invaluable emotional and informational support. Connecting with others who understand your journey can offer empathy, advice, and shared experiences.
  • Choosing the Right IVF Center: When considering ART procedures, choosing a reliable and experienced IVF centre is crucial. Research facilities, compare success rates, and prioritize transparency and patient-centred care. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and ensure you feel comfortable and confident with the team before embarking on this journey.
  • The Psychological Impact: The diagnosis of asthenozoospermia can impact both partners emotionally. Men may experience feelings of inadequacy or shame, while women may wrestle with anxieties about their fertility or the future of their relationship. Open communication, emotional support, and seeking professional help if needed can be crucial in navigating these challenges together.
  • Beyond the Medical: While medical interventions play a significant role, it’s important to remember that achieving pregnancy is a holistic process. Stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, or mindfulness can help cultivate emotional well-being and potentially improve sperm health. Prioritizing sleep, managing chronic stress, and building a strong support system can all contribute to a more positive and resilient approach to your fertility journey.
  • Hope Beyond Diagnosis: Regardless of the severity of asthenozoospermia, advancements in science offer numerous options for couples to achieve their dream of parenthood. Embracing a healthy lifestyle, seeking informed medical guidance, and focusing on emotional well-being can empower you to navigate this challenge with strength and hope. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and there are resources and support available to guide you every step of the way.

At Crysta IVF, we understand the challenges couples facing asthenozoospermia encounter. We offer a comprehensive range of diagnostic tests, tailored treatment plans, and unwavering support to help you navigate this journey. Our team of experienced fertility specialists, embryologists, and nurses is dedicated to providing you with compassionate care and expert guidance. We utilize cutting-edge technology and advanced ART techniques to optimize your chances of success.


We believe in open communication and transparency, keeping you informed and empowered throughout your treatment journey. Our support services, including dedicated fertility nurses and counsellors, are always available to address your concerns and offer emotional support. We know that building a family is a deeply personal journey, and we are here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

If you are struggling with asthenozoospermia, reach out to Crysta IVF, best fertility centre in Pune today. Let us be your beacon of hope as you navigate this challenge and embark on the incredible journey of parenthood.


1. Is it possible to get pregnant with asthenozoospermia?

Yes, pregnancy is possible even with asthenozoospermia, depending on the severity and chosen treatment approaches. With moderate cases, lifestyle changes and medical interventions can improve sperm motility and increase the chances of natural conception. In more severe cases, assisted reproductive techniques like IUI or IVF can bypass the motility issue and successfully achieve pregnancy.

2. Is asthenozoospermia curable or not?

Asthenozoospermia itself is not a disease, but a symptom of an underlying condition. While the underlying cause might not be entirely curable, treatment can significantly improve sperm motility and address the factors leading to it. In many cases, the focus is on optimizing sperm health and function, enabling successful conception through natural or assisted methods.

3. What is the normal range for asthenozoospermia?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), normal sperm motility should be at least 40% progressive motility (moving progressively forward) or 50% total motility (moving in any direction). In asthenozoospermia, these percentages fall below the reference values, with varying degrees of severity based on the percentage drop.
Remember, your case is unique and requires a personalized approach. At Crysta IVF, the Best IVF Center in Delhi, we can provide you with a comprehensive evaluation and offer the best treatment options to help you achieve your dream of parenthood. Contact Crysta IVF today and let us help you rewrite your story from “Asthenozoospermia” to “Parenthood.”

  Verified by Crysta IVF Fertility Experts

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Milan Mahapatra

Milan is an enthusiastic content strategist and storyteller with attention to detail. As a Lead Content Writer for Crysta IVF, he creates engaging stories that enlighten and motivate patients as they prepare for fatherhood. Having a thorough awareness of the fertility environment, Milan uses his writing abilities to empower and inform those considering treatment. He is committed to providing factual, engaging, and interesting content that speaks to the audience of Crysta IVF.

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