Best IUI Centre in Kanpur

IUI or Intrauterine Insemination is an artificial insemination procedure used to treat infertility.


Key Facts

  • IUI is a less invasive and simple treatment procedure for both male and female infertility.
  • IUI is a cost-effective option for couples struggling with infertility.
  • The IUI procedure uses both fresh and frozen sperm.
  • The success rate of IUI depends mainly on the time factor.
  • Fertility can be improved through IUI.
  • It may take multiple IUI cycles to conceive successfully.
  • It may take multiple IUI cycles to conceive successfully.

Overview about Intrauterine Insemination

Overview about IUI

Any couple coping with infertility may find the idea of deciding their next steps upsetting. Of course, nothing can replace the advice of a fertility doctor, but knowing what to expect ahead of time might help you relax. You might be asking what the difference is between IVF and intrauterine insemination. Let's have a look at the specifics of IUI.

What is IUI Treatment?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is an artificial insemination procedure used to treat infertility. IUI is a method of treating infertility in which sperm is implanted into a woman's uterus to aid conception. The purpose of this procedure is to increase the amount of sperm entering the fallopian tubes so that there is a greater likelihood of conception. The sperm get a head start with this procedure, but they still have to reach and fertilize the egg. In comparison to IVF, this method is less invasive and less costly.

Process of IUI

The process of IUI is simple and consists of these steps

  • Ovulation
  • The process of a woman generating eggs is known as ovulation. Depending on how the ovaries respond, oral medicine is normally administered for 5 days and injectable medication is usually taken for 8-12 days.

  • Ultrasound & Blood Monitoring
  • Every 2-3 days, ultrasound appointments are required to assess the ovaries and egg growth. Hormone levels associated with egg development and ovarian function are also measured by blood tests.

  • Induced ovulation
  • When a mature egg is found, a "trigger shot" is given, which initiates ovulation within 36 hours

  • Artificial insemination
  • A woman lies on an exam table, much like she would for a typical pelvic checkup. The doctor injects the sperm sample into the uterus. The entire procedure is painless and takes only a few seconds to finish.

  • Follow up
  • Progesterone levels are frequently examined a week following ovulation.

Smiling Baby

How much helpful is IUI treatment in Kanpur?

IUI is a common treatment for infertility caused by male factors. Low sperm motility (the capacity for sperm to move and swim), low sperm count (indicating that less than 15 million sperm per liter of semen), or sexual dysfunction (when there is trouble at any point during the sexual response cycle) IUI is helpful. In women with semen allergy, endometriosis, ovarian failure and fallopian tube defects IUI are also helpful to a great extent.

Our best IUI specialist in Kanpur can help you diagnose the issue to determine the IUI success rate for your fertility journey. Crysta IVF is the best IUI centre in Kanpur that can help couples conceive with IUI treatment.

IUI treatment cost in Kanpur

IUI is generally the first option for fertility treatments other than assisted reproductive technologies like IVF. It's also comparatively more affordable than other forms of Infertility Treatment.

In addition, the best IUI clinic in Kanpur has an option for health insurance plans that cover IUI. Before you begin, double-check your coverage and all fees to make an informed financial decision.

The average IUI fertility treatment costs around INR 12,000- 17,000/. The price, however, varies from clinic to clinic, including doctor's fees and factors such as personalized medical conditions, age, cause of infertility, the associated requirement of drugs and medication, and more.

One IUI cycle might cost up to INR 12,000 at the best hospital for IUI treatment in Kanpur. Before you begin the process, ensure you understand the cost and factors that might affect it. However, IUI is less expensive & less invasive than IVF.

How IUI is different from IVF?

The main distinction between IUI and IVF is that IUI uses internal fertilization. That is, the sperm is injected into the uterus of the woman. If fertilization is successful, the embryo will also implant there.

Whereas, in IVF, fertilization proceeds outside of the uterus i.e. in a laboratory. For fertilization, the sperm and the egg are put together, and then successfully fertilized eggs are placed in the uterus. In an ideal situation, the fertilized egg would implant in the uterine lining, resulting in pregnancy and the delivery of a full-term baby.

IUI cost in Kanpur is both less expensive and less invasive than IVF. Before moving on to IVF, it is suggested that couples try three cycles of IUI. IUI is an effective treatment for many kinds of infertility, commonly performed in several cycles until pregnancy or another treatment is achieved. Before going on to more expensive treatments like IVF, visit our IUI clinic one of the best hospitals for IUI treatment in Kanpur.

Benefits of IUI Treatment

Smiling Baby
  • Less invasive
  • When compared to IVF, it is less invasive and inexpensive. The IUI charges in Kanpur are very reasonable and affordable.

  • Less stressful for the body
  • During IUI preparations, impurities such as infections, allergy-causing agents, unusable sperms, and other pollutants are removed, leaving behind high-quality sperm. This also improves sperm quality by reducing the generation of free oxygen radicals during sperm preparation.

  • High fertility rate
  • Compared to sexual intercourse, the chance of getting pregnant with IUI treatment is high. The patient is made to lie down just like a pelvic examination. With transvaginal ultrasound guidance, the doctor inserts a probe into the cervical canal and directs it towards the uterus's top and right or left fallopian tube. Finally, the sperm is inserted into the recipient. The procedure takes just a few minutes at IUI centre in Kanpur.

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Why do you need IUI?

Male infertility

A man's sperm analysis is one of the first steps in the medical evaluation of infertility. It may reveal poor sperm concentration, low sperm motility, or sperm size and shape abnormalities (morphology). Through IUI, some of these problems can be overcome through the preparation of the sperm, as it helps differentiate highly motile sperm from "normal" sperm.

Sperm Donor

IUI is the most popular method for pregnancy among women who need to use donor sperm. Women whose partners do not possess healthy sperm or very low sperm counts opt for a sperm donor. Before IUI, accredited laboratories collect frozen donor sperm specimens. IUI cost in Kanpur for sperm donors IUI varies in different clinics.

Unexplained Infertility

IUI is used with ovulation-inducing medicines as a first-line treatment for unexplained infertility. Unexplained infertility is termed when an attempt to get pregnant for a year or longer fails. The doctor has detected no obvious cause, such as blocked fallopian tubes. This does not rule out the possibility of conceiving. Many people in this circumstance go on to have healthy infants naturally or with the help of IUI.


One of the most common causes of infertility is endometriosis. The first therapeutic option for infertility caused by endometriosis is to use drugs to obtain a good-quality egg, followed by IUI.

Ovulatory Factor Infertility

Infertility caused by ovulation difficulties, such as an absence of ovulation or a reduced quantity of eggs, can also be treated with IUI.

Semen Allergy

In some cases, an allergy to proteins in sperm might result in infertility. Redness, burning, and swelling occurs when sperm enters the vaginal canal and comes into touch with the skin. IUI can help since many of the proteins in sperms get removed before implantation.

What are the risks involved in the procedure?

Intrauterine insemination is a safe process with a low risk of consequences. The following are some of the risk factors of IUI :

  • Infection
  • As a result of the procedure, there's a chance of infection. Infection is quite unlikely because the doctor will use sterilized devices.

  • Spotting
  • During the procedure of placing the catheter into the uterus, a small amount of vaginal bleeding may occur. This usually has no bearing on your chances of getting pregnant.

  • Multiple pregnancies
  • IUI is known for its higher risk of multiple pregnancies, such as twins, triplets, or more. When combined with ovulation-inducing medicines, however, the risk of multiple pregnancies skyrockets. Early labour and low birth weight are more likely in multiple pregnancies than in single pregnancies.

  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
  • When the ovaries overreact to reproductive medicines a disease known as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome develops. Several eggs may mature and then be discharged. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can cause fluid buildup in the chest and belly, renal issues, blood clots, and ovarian twisting in rare situations. The expert team of doctors at the IUI treatment Centre in Kanpur, ensure minimal risk and side effects post IUI procedure.

Things to consider before IUI treatment?

Some tests are conducted before the IUI at IUI treatment centre in Kanpur, to ensure it's the best step for the couple. This is the same testing that women considering IVF will get, and it will help the doctor better understand the couple’s fertility needs.

  • Blood tests will be done to check for hormones that regulate the ovarian reserve, and genetics to see carriers for any genetic diseases.
  • The sperm used from a donor or the spouse will be tested, and a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is done to make sure the fallopian tubes are open and ready for sperm to travel through.
  • After this, the client is scheduled for the IUI.
  • The couple should avoid sex for two or three days before the surgery.
  • During ovulation is the optimal time for an IUI procedure. If a woman is not ovulating regularly, the doctor may prescribe an ovulation inducer. Check with the doctor to learn if there are any other recommendations for the treatment.
  • Women who undergo IUI usually have their ovaries stimulated to mature eggs and a trigger injection to release one egg. After that, the sperm must be prepared, and only then can conception begin.
  • This process of stimulation can take up to ten days. Women who opt out of stimulation before IUI follow their natural cycle, have an ovulation-inducing shot, and then have the IUI done.

How can IVF Centre help you with IUI?

The first step in evaluating your specific fertility issue and selecting the best course of action is to consult a board-certified infertility specialist at the IVF centre. In the IVF centre, both partners are diagnosed, and a doctor can then evaluate several factors that impact the success rate of IUI.

The IUI specialist in Kanpur will check for a good egg, a healthy uterus, open fallopian tubes, and a good sperm count under normal circumstances.

Considering the age of the couple the doctor will determine chances of IUI success. In addition, the IUI specialist in Kanpur at the IVF centre will tell you possible IUI cycles to conceive.

The IUI will be scheduled when the doctor has determined when ovulation will occur. The entire procedure is meticulously prepared. When to take medication and when the partner should produce a sperm sample, the doctor will advise at the IVF centre. The success rate of conception lowers if any phase of the process is delayed.

Other factors to consider before IUI

Many studies have shown that stress can make it more difficult to conceive. It may take a toll on women if they are unable to conceive a child. Find strategies to relieve stress and do it regularly. Take long walks, ride your bike, or simply begin practising yoga.

  • Start with healthy food choices and be consistent.
  • The IUI procedure uses both fresh and frozen sperm.
  • The sort of fertility medicines used and when they are taken are equally critical. Because sperm washing is a crucial component of IUI infertility treatment
  • Give up smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Drink plenty of water every day to stay hydrated and clear of contaminants.

Why choose an IVF centre for IUI treatment?

If you have questions concerning an IUI treatment or IUI treatment cost in Kanpur, you should ask our centre. Our fertility professionals are always prepared to assist you in your journey.

If you're having problems conceiving or have questions about your options for conception, talk to our professionals. Reach out to the doctors at one of the best IUI centers in Kanpur for a detailed diagnosis and best treatment.